Matthew Palmer wrote:
On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 01:34:01PM +0800, Martin Aspeli wrote:
This question was sort of implied in my thread last week, but I'm going
to re-ask it properly, to reduce my own confusion if nothing else.

We have two servers, master and slave. In the cluster, we have:

[bunchteen services, some HA, some not, one service IP]

Each Zope instance is configured with a database connection string for
Postgres (e.g. postgres:// and a similar connection
string for memcached (e.g.

My question is this: Do we need to group all the clustered resources
(the IP address, HAProxy, Postgres, memcached) so that if any one of
them fails, they all fail over to slave?

If we don't do this, how can we manage the connection strings in Zope?
Since Zope needs a domain name or IP address as part of the connection
string, it'd be no good if, e.g. memcached failed over to slave, but the
IP address stayed with master, because Zope would still be looking for
it on master.

What is the normal way to handle this? Do people have one floating IP
address per service?

This is how I prefer to do it.  RFC1918 IP addresses are cheap, IPv6 address
quintuply so.  Having everything tied to one address causes some mayhem when
something falls over (failover is quick, but it ain't instantaneous), so
it's far better to give everything it's own address and let them drift about
independently.  Also, it makes load-spreading (run PgSQL on one machine,
memcached on the other, for instance) much easier.

Pardon my Linux ignorance, but does mean we need one NIC per service as well, or can we bind multiple (floating) IPs to each interface?


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
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