On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 09:33:27AM +0200, Oliver Heinz wrote:
> Am Montag, 26. April 2010, um 18:50:24 schrieb Lars Ellenberg:
> > On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 04:37:37PM +0200, Oliver Heinz wrote:
> > > Am Montag, 26. April 2010 15:58:51 schrieb Ante Karamatić:
> > > > On 26.04.2010 14:42, Oliver Heinz wrote:
> > > > > Thanks for that information. I rebuild the complete stack with
> > > > > cluster-glue 1.0.5 (which made it to the ppa repository an hour ago).
> > > > > But dlm_controld.pcmk is still segfaulting :-( But I probably missed
> > > > > something when rebuilding.
> > > > 
> > > > Have you rebuilded redhat cluster suite? dlm comes from that source.
> > > 
> > > I rebuilded heartbeat, pacemaker and redhat-cluster-suite and updated the
> > > corresponding pakages before building the next but it still segfaults.
> > > Even rebuild the current debian redhat-cluster-suite (3.0.9) and
> > > integrated the pacemaker-pakages, still segfaulting :-(
> > > 
> > > > > I will wait for the "official" ubuntu stack rebuild and report
> > > > > afterwards if this fixed the issue.
> > > > 
> > > > Try now.
> > > 
> > > Still segfaults. Updated coredump and reports are here:
> > > http://users.fbihome.de/~oheinz/ha-cluster/core.2563.bz2
> > > http://users.fbihome.de/~oheinz/ha-cluster/report_2.tar.bz2
> > 
> > can you please do a
> > gdb --core core.2563 -ex where -ex quit
> > (or better, if you know how to pilot gdb).
> I attached the output. If you need s.th. else you need to instruct me, i have 
> no experience with gdb, sorry.
> > For it to be useful in any way, you may need to have matching debug
> > symbols of quite a few libraries around, probably including those of libc.
> > (that's those -dbg packages in debian).
> I installed every -dbg package that is available for any package installed on 
> the system (just to be sure). There are no debug packages for most of the 
> cluster-stack, if it would help to have them recompiled without symbol 
> stripping I could do that.

Yes please ;-)

gdb /usr/sbin/dlm_controld.pcmk core -ex where -ex quit

: Lars Ellenberg
: LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
: DRBD/HA support and consulting http://www.linbit.com

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