Hello all.

I really new to Pacemaker and try to make some test and learn how it is all works. I use Clusters From Scratch pdf from clusterlabs.org as how-to.

What we have:
Debian Lenny 5.0.5 (with kernel 2.6.32-bpo.4-amd64 from backports)
pacemaker 1.0.8+hg15494-4~bpo50+1
openais 1.1.2-2~bpo50+1

I try to add fs mount resource but get unknown error. If I mount it by hands - all is ok.


Last updated: Thu Jul 22 08:22:20 2010
Stack: openais
Current DC: node01.domain.org - partition with quorum
Version: 1.0.8-042548a451fce8400660f6031f4da6f0223dd5dd
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
4 Resources configured.

Online: [ node02.domain.org node01.domain.org ]

ClusterIP       (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started node02.domain.org
 Master/Slave Set: WebData
     Masters: [ node02.domain.org ]
     Slaves: [ node01.domain.org ]
WebFS   (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started node02.domain.org FAILED

Failed actions:
WebFS_start_0 (node=node01.domain.org, call=18, rc=1, status=complete): unknown error WebFS_start_0 (node=node02.domain.org, call=301, rc=1, status=complete): unknown error

node01:~# crm_verify -VL
crm_verify[1482]: 2010/07/22_08:28:13 WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Processing failed op WebFS_start_0 on node01.domain.org: unknown error (1) crm_verify[1482]: 2010/07/22_08:28:13 WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Processing failed op WebFS_start_0 on node02.domain.org: unknown error (1) crm_verify[1482]: 2010/07/22_08:28:13 WARN: common_apply_stickiness: Forcing WebFS away from node01.domain.org after 1000000 failures (max=1000000)

node01:~# crm configure show
node node01.domain.org
node node02.domain.org
primitive ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
        params ip="" cidr_netmask="32" \
        op monitor interval="30s"
primitive WebFS ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
        params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/var/spool/dovecot" fstype="ext4" 
        op start interval="0" timeout="60s" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="60s" \
        meta target-role="Started"
primitive WebSite ocf:heartbeat:apache \
        params configfile="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" \
        op monitor interval="1min" \
        op start interval="0" timeout="40s" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="60s" \
        meta target-role="Started"
primitive wwwdrbd ocf:linbit:drbd \
        params drbd_resource="drbd0" \
        op monitor interval="60s" \
        op start interval="0" timeout="240s" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="100s"
ms WebData wwwdrbd \
meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true" target-role="Started"
colocation WebSite-with-WebFS inf: WebSite WebFS
colocation fs_on_drbd inf: WebFS WebData:Master
colocation website-with-ip inf: WebSite ClusterIP
order WebFS-after-WebData inf: WebData:promote WebFS:start
order WebSite-after-WebFS inf: WebFS WebSite
order apache-after-ip inf: ClusterIP WebSite
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
        dc-version="1.0.8-042548a451fce8400660f6031f4da6f0223dd5dd" \
        cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
        expected-quorum-votes="2" \
        stonith-enabled="false" \

In logs:
Jul 22 08:18:39 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: stonithd_signon: Can't initiate connection to stonithd
Jul 22 08:18:39 node01 crmd: [1814]: notice: Not currently connected.
Jul 22 08:18:39 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: te_connect_stonith: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry Jul 22 08:18:39 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: te_connect_stonith: Attempting connection to fencing daemon... Jul 22 08:18:40 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: stonithd_signon: Can't initiate connection to stonithd
Jul 22 08:18:40 node01 crmd: [1814]: notice: Not currently connected.
Jul 22 08:18:40 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: te_connect_stonith: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry Jul 22 08:18:40 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: te_connect_stonith: Attempting connection to fencing daemon... Jul 22 08:18:41 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: stonithd_signon: Can't initiate connection to stonithd
Jul 22 08:18:41 node01 crmd: [1814]: notice: Not currently connected.
Jul 22 08:18:41 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: te_connect_stonith: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry Jul 22 08:18:41 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: te_connect_stonith: Attempting connection to fencing daemon... Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cibadmin: [1199]: info: Invoked: cibadmin -Ql -o resources Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cibadmin: [1200]: info: Invoked: cibadmin -p -R -o resources Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: - <cib admin_epoch="0" epoch="143" num_updates="2" > Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: - <configuration > Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: - <resources > Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: - <primitive id="WebFS" > Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: - <meta_attributes id="WebFS-meta_attributes" > Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: - <nvpair value="Stopped" id="WebFS-meta_attributes-target-role" /> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: - </meta_attributes> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: - </primitive> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: - </resources> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: - </configuration> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: - </cib> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: + <cib admin_epoch="0" epoch="144" num_updates="1" > Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: + <configuration > Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: + <resources > Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: + <primitive id="WebFS" > Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: + <meta_attributes id="WebFS-meta_attributes" > Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: + <nvpair value="Started" id="WebFS-meta_attributes-target-role" /> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: + </meta_attributes> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: + </primitive> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: + </resources> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: + </configuration> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: log_data_element: cib:diff: + </cib> Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1810]: info: cib_process_request: Operation complete: op cib_replace for section resources (origin=local/cibadmin/2, version=0.144.1): ok (rc=0) Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1201]: info: write_cib_contents: Archived previous version as /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib-89.raw Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1201]: info: write_cib_contents: Wrote version 0.144.0 of the CIB to disk (digest: 5f51a15c21330c7ff76862ad9a5193b1) Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 cib: [1201]: info: retrieveCib: Reading cluster configuration from: /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.woPqNQ (digest: /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.bF43Zi) Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: stonithd_signon: Can't initiate connection to stonithd
Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 crmd: [1814]: notice: Not currently connected.
Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: te_connect_stonith: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: abort_transition_graph: need_abort:59 - Triggered transition abort (complete=1) : Non-status change Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: need_abort: Aborting on change to admin_epoch Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: do_state_transition: State transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE [ input=I_PE_CALC cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=abort_transition_graph ] Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: do_state_transition: All 2 cluster nodes are eligible to run resources. Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: do_pe_invoke: Query 350: Requesting the current CIB: S_POLICY_ENGINE Jul 22 08:18:42 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: te_connect_stonith: Attempting connection to fencing daemon... Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: stonithd_signon: Can't initiate connection to stonithd
Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 crmd: [1814]: notice: Not currently connected.
Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: te_connect_stonith: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: do_pe_invoke_callback: Invoking the PE: query=350, ref=pe_calc-dc-1279783123-729, seq=152, quorate=1 Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: te_connect_stonith: Attempting connection to fencing daemon... Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: unpack_config: Node scores: 'red' = -INFINITY, 'yellow' = 0, 'green' = 0 Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: determine_online_status: Node node01.domain.org is online Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: unpack_rsc_op: Operation WebSite_monitor_0 found resource WebSite active on node01.domain.org Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Processing failed op WebFS_start_0 on node01.domain.org: unknown error (1) Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: determine_online_status: Node node02.domain.org is online Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: unpack_rsc_op: Operation WebSite_monitor_0 found resource WebSite active on node02.domain.org Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Processing failed op WebFS_start_0 on node02.domain.org: unknown error (1) Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: native_print: ClusterIP#011(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):#011Started node02.domain.org Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: native_print: WebSite#011(ocf::heartbeat:apache):#011Stopped Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: clone_print: Master/Slave Set: WebData Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: short_print: Masters: [ node02.domain.org ] Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: short_print: Slaves: [ node01.domain.org ] Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: native_print: WebFS#011(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):#011Stopped Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: get_failcount: WebFS has failed 1000000 times on node01.domain.org Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: WARN: common_apply_stickiness: Forcing WebFS away from node01.domain.org after 1000000 failures (max=1000000) Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: native_merge_weights: WebData: Rolling back scores from WebFS Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: native_merge_weights: wwwdrbd:0: Rolling back scores from WebFS Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: native_merge_weights: WebData: Rolling back scores from WebFS Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: master_color: Promoting wwwdrbd:0 (Master node02.domain.org) Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: master_color: WebData: Promoted 1 instances of a possible 1 to master Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: master_color: Promoting wwwdrbd:0 (Master node02.domain.org) Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: master_color: WebData: Promoted 1 instances of a possible 1 to master Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: RecurringOp: Start recurring monitor (60s) for WebSite on node02.domain.org Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: LogActions: Leave resource ClusterIP#011(Started node02.domain.org) Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: LogActions: Start WebSite#011(node02.domain.org) Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: LogActions: Leave resource wwwdrbd:0#011(Master node02.domain.org) Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: LogActions: Leave resource wwwdrbd:1#011(Slave node01.domain.org) Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: notice: LogActions: Start WebFS#011(node02.domain.org) Jul 22 08:18:43 node01 pengine: [1813]: info: process_pe_message: Transition 199: PEngine Input stored in: /var/lib/pengine/pe-input-243.bz2 Jul 22 08:18:44 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: stonithd_signon: Can't initiate connection to stonithd
Jul 22 08:18:44 node01 crmd: [1814]: notice: Not currently connected.
Jul 22 08:18:44 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: te_connect_stonith: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry Jul 22 08:18:44 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: do_state_transition: State transition S_POLICY_ENGINE -> S_TRANSITION_ENGINE [ input=I_PE_SUCCESS cause=C_IPC_MESSAGE origin=handle_response ] Jul 22 08:18:44 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: unpack_graph: Unpacked transition 199: 4 actions in 4 synapses Jul 22 08:18:44 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: do_te_invoke: Processing graph 199 (ref=pe_calc-dc-1279783123-729) derived from /var/lib/pengine/pe-input-243.bz2 Jul 22 08:18:44 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: te_rsc_command: Initiating action 42: start WebFS_start_0 on node02.domain.org Jul 22 08:18:44 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: te_rsc_command: Initiating action 5: probe_complete probe_complete on node02.domain.org - no waiting Jul 22 08:18:44 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: te_connect_stonith: Attempting connection to fencing daemon... Jul 22 08:18:45 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: stonithd_signon: Can't initiate connection to stonithd
Jul 22 08:18:45 node01 crmd: [1814]: notice: Not currently connected.
Jul 22 08:18:45 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: te_connect_stonith: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry Jul 22 08:18:45 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: te_connect_stonith: Attempting connection to fencing daemon... Jul 22 08:18:46 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: stonithd_signon: Can't initiate connection to stonithd
Jul 22 08:18:46 node01 crmd: [1814]: notice: Not currently connected.
Jul 22 08:18:46 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: te_connect_stonith: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry Jul 22 08:18:46 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: te_connect_stonith: Attempting connection to fencing daemon... Jul 22 08:18:47 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: stonithd_signon: Can't initiate connection to stonithd
Jul 22 08:18:47 node01 crmd: [1814]: notice: Not currently connected.
Jul 22 08:18:47 node01 crmd: [1814]: ERROR: te_connect_stonith: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry Jul 22 08:18:47 node01 crmd: [1814]: info: te_connect_stonith: Attempting connection to fencing daemon...

Best regards,
Proskurin Kirill

Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker@oss.clusterlabs.org

Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
Bugs: http://developerbugs.linux-foundation.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Pacemaker

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