
Ruzsinszky Attila wrote:
You're not making sense, first you say MySQL Master-Master, then you
mention master mysqld on clusterB and slave mysqld on clusterA. So,
which one is it:
Yes, it is true. If I stop openais and I start mysql without openais the config
is M-M (or Multi-Master).

When pacemaker starts mysql processes I can see master and slave mysqld
text from crm_mon.

- MySQL Master-Master (or Multi-Master) which can be achieved via MySQL
- MySQL Master-Slave, which can be achieved via MySQL Replication as well
I'd like to implement the above. I don't know which one is right for me.
Because of M-M MySQL config I think the 1st one is my choice.
A MySQL Multi-Master architecture for a 2 node setup brings a lot of configuration and administration overhead and has no conflict detection or resolution. Integrating such a setup with Pacemaker only adds to the overhead, as the current resource agents only handle a standalone MySQL server. Even the LSB script doesn't handle a Multi-Master setup. You'd have to write a custom resource agent, and it would probably fit your setup and your setup alone, meaning it couldn't be widely used for other setups, I know I had to make some modifications to the mysql resource agent and those changes were specific to my setup.

MySQL Cluster is a choice, it could be integrated with Pacemaker, although I don't actually see the benefits in this case, meaning MySQL Cluster would be the database backend, on it's own, doing it job, and to that backend you could connect from multiple frontends, put a load balancer (or two) before the frontends and you've got quite the setup, and the frontends and load balancer could be controlled by Pacemaker. But MySQL Cluster has it's downsides as well, it needs a minimum of 4 nodes (it could probably work with less but that's the general recommendation), 2 data node, one SQL node and one management node. The SQL and management role could be collocated on one physical node + 2 data nodes = 3 nodes.

Anyways, this is just to get a feel for what's involved in the process, and how Pacemaker would fit the picture, at least from my point of view.

I would recommend all questions related to MySQL Cluster, Replication, Multi-Master be directed to the appropriate mailing lists though, and if you want to write a resource agent for a Multi-Master setup, by all means, do share :)

Hope this helps.

- MySQL Master with a DRBD backend (even MySQL docs recommend this type
of setup for some use cases) in which the MySQL instance runs only where
DRBD is primary
I think I know this setup and don't want it now.

- MySQL Cluster (nothing to do with Pacemaker, although they can be put
together in a setup)
This would be the next test if I have enough time.


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Systems Engineer
Streamwide Romania

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