----- Original Message -----
> It wasn't as bad as I thought.

Famous last words.

running crm_mon (from pacemaker-1.1.7) reporting libcoroipcc.so.4 missing 
(existed in the libcorosync4 days from corosync-1.4.2)

Found cluster-3.2.0 from http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/cluster.git which 
appears to be the latest version of the cluster groups.

Trying to compile cluster-3.2.0 to get a later version of crm_mon fails due to 
a missing include corosync/confdb.h ( libs/libccsconfdb/libccs.c) which used to 
define  confdb_handle_t. The corosync-2.3.0 sources don't have that file any 

I'm gathering by the document groups http://clusterlabs.org/doc/ there's no 
cman for corosync >= 2

> For the reference of everyone else:
> Install the dependencies of libqb and corosync listed on the following
> pages.
> Download the 3 files, the *.dsc and two *.tar.gz, on the bottom of the
> following pages into a directory.
> http://packages.debian.org/source/experimental/libqb
> http://packages.debian.org/source/experimental/corosync
> For libqb to work a small edit of /usr/lib/pkgconfig/check.pc - change
> -lcheck to -lcheck_pic.
> ( ref:
> http://patch-tracker.debian.org/patch/misc/view/check/0.9.8-2/check.pc.in
> )
> dpkg-source -x libqb*.dsc ; cd libqb-0.14.4; dpkg-buildpackage ; cd
> ..; dpkg -i *deb
> apt-get install libdbus-1-dev
> dpkg-source -x coro*.dsc ; cd corosync-2.3.0; dpkg-buildpackage ; cd
> ..; dpkg -i *deb

pacemaker 1.1.9 is also needed, same process, debian maintainer seems to be 
working on it.

crmsh / pcs packages aren't there yet however I'm assuming these are in the 
packaging works.

I'll get some patches done in thanks for your help.

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