Personally I use fence_xvm. IIRC, it's the supported equivalent of fence_virsh.

On 24 Oct 2013, at 6:38 pm, Beo Banks <> wrote:

> hi,
> i have enable the debug option and i use the ip instead of hostname
> primitive stonith-zarafa02 stonith:fence_virsh \
>         params pcmk_host_list="zarafa02" pcmk_host_check="static-list" 
> action="reboot" ipaddr="*.*.*.*" secure="true" login="root" 
> identity_file="/root/.ssh/id_rsa" debug="/var/log/stonith.log" verbose="true" 
> \
> it seems that the fence_virsh can establish the connection but he don´t start 
> the reboot command via pacemaker
> is there any option to find out how pacemaker runs the command?
> /var/log/stonith.log
> [EXPECT]# virsh list --all
>  Id    Name                           State
> ----------------------------------------------------
>  16    zarafa02                   running
> [EXPECT]# ^C
> it should be (i saw it via comandline)
> EXPECT]# virsh list --all
>  Id    Name                           State
> ----------------------------------------------------
>  16    zarafa02                   running
> [EXPECT]# virsh destroy zarafa02
> Domain zarafa02 destroyed
> [EXPECT]# virsh list --all
>  Id    Name                           State
> ----------------------------------------------------
>  -     zarafa02                   shut off
> [EXPECT]# virsh start zarafa02
> Domain zarafa02 started
> [EXPECT]# virsh list --all
>  Id    Name                           State
> ----------------------------------------------------
>  17    zarafa02                   running
> [EXPECT]# Success: Rebooted
> 2013/10/23 Beo Banks <>
> i use /etc/hosts
> ping host01 is correct.
> maybe that´s the reason i test the fence_virsh as root.
> primitive stonith-zarafa02 stonith:fence_virsh \
>         params pcmk_host_list="zarafa02" pcmk_host_check="static-list" 
> action="reboot" ipaddr="host02" secure="true" login="root" 
> identity_file="/root/.ssh/id_rsa" \
>         op monitor interval="300s" \
>         op start interval="0" timeout="60s" \
>         meta failure-timeout="180s"
> as which user fence pacemaker the device? as root?
> via commanline (works)
> node1# fence_virsh -a host02 -l root -x -k /root/.ssh/id_rsa -o reboot -v -n 
> zarafa02
> is there a mistake in my config?
> Oct 23 13:23:54 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine 
> ('1.4.1'): started and ready to provide service.
> Oct 23 13:23:54 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in 
> features: nss dbus rdma snmp
> Oct 23 13:23:54 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [MAIN  ] Successfully read main 
> configuration file '/etc/corosync/corosync.conf'.
> Oct 23 13:23:54 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [TOTEM ] Initializing transport 
> (UDP/IP Multicast).
> Oct 23 13:23:54 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [TOTEM ] Initializing 
> transmit/receive security: libtomcrypt SOBER128/SHA1HMAC (mode 0).
> Oct 23 13:23:54 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [TOTEM ] Initializing transport 
> (UDP/IP Multicast).
> Oct 23 13:23:54 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [TOTEM ] Initializing 
> transmit/receive security: libtomcrypt SOBER128/SHA1HMAC (mode 0).
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [TOTEM ] The network interface 
> [] is now up.
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: process_ais_conf: 
> Reading configure
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] ERROR: process_ais_conf: 
> You have configured a cluster using the Pacemaker plugin for Corosync. The 
> plugin is not supported in this environment and will be removed very soon.
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] ERROR: process_ais_conf:  
> Please see Chapter 8 of 'Clusters from Scratch' 
> ( for details on using Pacemaker with CMAN
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: config_find_init: 
> Local handle: 5880381755227111425 for logging
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: config_find_next: 
> Processing additional logging options...
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: 
> Found 'off' for option: debug
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: 
> Found 'yes' for option: to_logfile
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: 
> Found '/var/log/cluster/corosync.log' for option: logfile
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: 
> Found 'yes' for option: to_syslog
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: 
> Defaulting to 'daemon' for option: syslog_facility
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: config_find_init: 
> Local handle: 4835695805891346434 for quorum
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: config_find_next: 
> No additional configuration supplied for: quorum
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: No 
> default for option: provider
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: config_find_init: 
> Local handle: 4552499517957603331 for service
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: config_find_next: 
> Processing additional service options...
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: 
> Found '1' for option: ver
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: process_ais_conf: 
> Enabling MCP mode: Use the Pacemaker init script to complete Pacemaker startup
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: 
> Defaulting to 'pcmk' for option: clustername
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: 
> Defaulting to 'no' for option: use_logd
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: 
> Defaulting to 'no' for option: use_mgmtd
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_startup: CRM: 
> Initialized
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] Logging: Initialized 
> pcmk_startup
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_startup: 
> Maximum core file size is: 18446744073709551615
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_startup: 
> Service: 9
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_startup: Local 
> hostname: zarafa02
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_update_nodeid: 
> Local node id: 369098762
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member: 
> Creating entry for node 369098762 born on 0
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member: 
> 0x141afc0 Node 369098762 now known as zarafa02 (was: (null))
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member: Node 
> zarafa02 now has 1 quorum votes (was 0)
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member: Node 
> 369098762/zarafa02 is now: member
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> Pacemaker Cluster Manager 1.1.8
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync extended virtual synchrony service
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync configuration service
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync cluster config database access v1.01
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync profile loading service
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync cluster quorum service v0.1
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [MAIN  ] Compatibility mode set to 
> whitetank.  Using V1 and V2 of the synchronization engine.
> Oct 23 13:23:55 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [TOTEM ] The network interface 
> [] is now up.
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [TOTEM ] Incrementing problem 
> counter for seqid 1 iface [1 of 10]
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [TOTEM ] Incrementing problem 
> counter for seqid 1 iface [1 of 10]
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] notice: pcmk_peer_update: 
> Transitional membership event on ring 268: memb=0, new=0, lost=0
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] notice: pcmk_peer_update: 
> Stable membership event on ring 268: memb=1, new=1, lost=0
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: 
> NEW:  zarafa02 369098762
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: 
> MEMB: zarafa02 369098762
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [TOTEM ] A processor joined or 
> left the membership and a new membership was formed.
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [CPG   ] chosen downlist: sender 
> r(0) ip( r(1) ip( ; members(old:0 left:0)
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [MAIN  ] Completed service 
> synchronization, ready to provide service.
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] notice: pcmk_peer_update: 
> Transitional membership event on ring 272: memb=1, new=0, lost=0
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: 
> memb: zarafa02 369098762
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] notice: pcmk_peer_update: 
> Stable membership event on ring 272: memb=2, new=1, lost=0
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member: 
> Creating entry for node 352321546 born on 272
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member: Node 
> 352321546/unknown is now: member
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: 
> NEW:  .pending. 352321546
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: 
> MEMB: .pending. 352321546
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: 
> MEMB: zarafa02 369098762
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: 
> send_member_notification: Sending membership update 272 to 0 children
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member: 
> 0x141afc0 Node 369098762 ((null)) born on: 272
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [TOTEM ] A processor joined or 
> left the membership and a new membership was formed.
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member: 
> 0x14247d0 Node 352321546 (zarafa01) born on: 248
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member: 
> 0x14247d0 Node 352321546 now known as zarafa01 (was: (null))
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member: Node 
> zarafa01 now has 1 quorum votes (was 0)
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: 
> send_member_notification: Sending membership update 272 to 0 children
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.crmd failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [CPG   ] chosen downlist: sender 
> r(0) ip( r(1) ip( ; members(old:1 left:0)
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [MAIN  ] Completed service 
> synchronization, ready to provide service.
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.crmd failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:23:56 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:23:58 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [TOTEM ] ring 1 active with no 
> faults(1)
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: drbd: initialized. Version: 8.3.15 
> (api:88/proto:86-97)
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: drbd: GIT-hash: 
> 0ce4d235fc02b5c53c1c52c53433d11a694eab8c build by phil@Build64R6, 2012-12-20 
> 20:09:51
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: Starting worker thread (from 
> cqueue [1987])
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: disk( Diskless -> Attaching )
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: Found 4 transactions (11 active 
> extents) in activity log.
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: Method to ensure write 
> ordering: flush
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: max BIO size = 131072
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: drbd_bm_resize called with 
> capacity == 524270872
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: resync bitmap: bits=65533859 
> words=1023967 pages=2000
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: size = 250 GB (262135436 KB)
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: bitmap READ of 2000 pages took 
> 11 jiffies
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: recounting of set bits took 
> additional 8 jiffies
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: 0 KB (0 bits) marked 
> out-of-sync by on disk bit-map.
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: disk( Attaching -> Consistent )
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: attached to UUIDs 
> 455F3C39E924BE3A:0000000000000000:6F4C52EE2A21D036:6F4B52EE2A21D037
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: Starting worker thread (from 
> cqueue [1987])
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: disk( Diskless -> Attaching )
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: Found 4 transactions (6 active 
> extents) in activity log.
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: Method to ensure write 
> ordering: flush
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: max BIO size = 131072
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: drbd_bm_resize called with 
> capacity == 1258251896
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: resync bitmap: bits=157281487 
> words=2457524 pages=4800
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: size = 600 GB (629125948 KB)
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: bitmap READ of 4800 pages took 
> 26 jiffies
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: recounting of set bits took 
> additional 21 jiffies
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: 0 KB (0 bits) marked 
> out-of-sync by on disk bit-map.
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: disk( Attaching -> Consistent )
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: attached to UUIDs 
> C3F30C77423EA3D4:0000000000000000:6120BBFBBB30210C:611FBBFBBB30210D
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: conn( StandAlone -> Unconnected 
> )
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: Starting receiver thread (from 
> drbd0_worker [1998])
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: receiver (re)started
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: conn( Unconnected -> 
> WFConnection )
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: conn( StandAlone -> Unconnected 
> )
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: Starting receiver thread (from 
> drbd1_worker [2017])
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: receiver (re)started
> Oct 23 13:23:59 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: conn( Unconnected -> 
> WFConnection )
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: Handshake successful: Agreed 
> network protocol version 97
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: conn( WFConnection -> 
> WFReportParams )
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: Starting asender thread (from 
> drbd0_receiver [2033])
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: data-integrity-alg: <not-used>
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: drbd_sync_handshake:
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: self 
> 455F3C39E924BE3A:0000000000000000:6F4C52EE2A21D036:6F4B52EE2A21D037 bits:0 
> flags:0
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: peer 
> 857412ABB0CE0739:455F3C39E924BE3B:6F4C52EE2A21D037:6F4B52EE2A21D037 bits:0 
> flags:0
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: uuid_compare()=-1 by rule 50
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: peer( Unknown -> Primary ) 
> conn( WFReportParams -> WFBitMapT ) disk( Consistent -> Outdated ) pdsk( 
> DUnknown -> UpToDate ) 
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: Handshake successful: Agreed 
> network protocol version 97
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: conn( WFConnection -> 
> WFReportParams )
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: Starting asender thread (from 
> drbd1_receiver [2037])
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: data-integrity-alg: <not-used>
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: drbd_sync_handshake:
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: self 
> C3F30C77423EA3D4:0000000000000000:6120BBFBBB30210C:611FBBFBBB30210D bits:0 
> flags:0
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: peer 
> 227D17F2074428C9:C3F30C77423EA3D5:6120BBFBBB30210D:611FBBFBBB30210D bits:0 
> flags:0
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: uuid_compare()=-1 by rule 50
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: peer( Unknown -> Primary ) 
> conn( WFReportParams -> WFBitMapT ) disk( Consistent -> Outdated ) pdsk( 
> DUnknown -> UpToDate ) 
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: conn( WFBitMapT -> WFSyncUUID )
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: updated sync uuid 
> 45603C39E924BE3A:0000000000000000:6F4C52EE2A21D036:6F4B52EE2A21D037
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: helper command: /sbin/drbdadm 
> before-resync-target minor-0
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: helper command: /sbin/drbdadm 
> before-resync-target minor-0 exit code 0 (0x0)
> ct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: Began resync as SyncTarget (will 
> sync 0 KB [0 bits set]).
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: Resync done (total 1 sec; 
> paused 0 sec; 0 K/sec)
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: updated UUIDs 
> 857412ABB0CE0738:0000000000000000:45603C39E924BE3A:455F3C39E924BE3B
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: conn( SyncTarget -> Connected ) 
> disk( Inconsistent -> UpToDate )
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: helper command: /sbin/drbdadm 
> after-resync-target minor-0
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02[2108]: invoked for mysql
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 cibadmin[2112]:   notice: crm_log_args: Invoked: 
> cibadmin -Ql
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02[2108]: Could not establish 
> cib_rw connection: Connection refused (111)
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02[2108]: Signon to CIB failed: 
> Transport endpoint is not connected
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02[2108]: Init failed, could not 
> perform requested operations
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: helper command: /sbin/drbdadm 
> after-resync-target minor-0 exit code 1 (0x100)
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: bitmap WRITE of 2000 pages took 
> 20 jiffies
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd0: 0 KB (0 bits) marked 
> out-of-sync by on disk bit-map.
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: conn( WFBitMapT -> WFSyncUUID )
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: updated sync uuid 
> C3F40C77423EA3D4:0000000000000000:6120BBFBBB30210C:611FBBFBBB30210D
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: helper command: /sbin/drbdadm 
> before-resync-target minor-1
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: helper command: /sbin/drbdadm 
> before-resync-target minor-1 exit code 0 (0x0)
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: conn( WFSyncUUID -> SyncTarget 
> ) disk( Outdated -> Inconsistent )
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: Began resync as SyncTarget 
> (will sync 0 KB [0 bits set]).
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: Resync done (total 1 sec; 
> paused 0 sec; 0 K/sec)
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: updated UUIDs 
> 227D17F2074428C8:0000000000000000:C3F40C77423EA3D4:C3F30C77423EA3D5
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: conn( SyncTarget -> Connected ) 
> disk( Inconsistent -> UpToDate )
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: helper command: /sbin/drbdadm 
> after-resync-target minor-1
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02[2121]: invoked for zarafa
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 cibadmin[2129]:   notice: crm_log_args: Invoked: 
> cibadmin -Ql
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02[2121]: Could not establish 
> cib_rw connection: Connection refused (111)
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02[2121]: Signon to CIB failed: 
> Transport endpoint is not connected
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02[2121]: Init failed, could not 
> perform requested operations
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: helper command: /sbin/drbdadm 
> after-resync-target minor-1 exit code 1 (0x100)
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: bitmap WRITE of 4800 pages took 
> 183 jiffies
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 kernel: block drbd1: 0 KB (0 bits) marked 
> out-of-sync by on disk bit-map.
> Oct 23 13:24:00 zarafa02 abrtd: Init complete, entering main loop
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 pacemakerd[2252]:   notice: crm_add_logfile: 
> Additional logging available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 pacemakerd[2252]:   notice: main: Starting Pacemaker 
> 1.1.8-7.el6 (Build: 394e906):  generated-manpages agent-manpages ascii-docs 
> publican-docs ncurses libqb-logging libqb-ipc  corosync-plugin cman
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 pacemakerd[2252]:   notice: get_local_node_name: 
> Defaulting to uname(2).nodename for the local classic openais (with plugin) 
> node name
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 pacemakerd[2252]:   notice: update_node_processes: 
> 0x8e76f0 Node 369098762 now known as zarafa02, was:
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.stonith-ng failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.stonith-ng failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.stonith-ng failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.stonith-ng failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.stonith-ng failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.stonith-ng failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 pacemakerd[2252]:   notice: update_node_processes: 
> 0x8e82a0 Node 352321546 now known as zarafa01, was:
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.crmd failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.stonith-ng failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 cib[2258]:   notice: crm_add_logfile: Additional 
> logging available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 stonith-ng[2259]:   notice: crm_add_logfile: 
> Additional logging available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 stonith-ng[2259]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: 
> Connecting to cluster infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 pengine[2262]:   notice: crm_add_logfile: Additional 
> logging available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 attrd[2261]:   notice: crm_add_logfile: Additional 
> logging available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_ipc: Recorded 
> connection 0x1430ee0 for stonith-ng/0
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 attrd[2261]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: 
> Connecting to cluster infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 lrmd[2260]:   notice: crm_add_logfile: Additional 
> logging available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_ipc: Recorded 
> connection 0x1430ee0 for stonith-ng/0
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 attrd[2261]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: 
> Connecting to cluster infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 lrmd[2260]:   notice: crm_add_logfile: Additional 
> logging available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
> Sending message to local.cib failed: ipc delivery failed (rc=-2)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_ipc: Recorded 
> connection 0x1435260 for attrd/0
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 crmd[2263]:   notice: crm_add_logfile: Additional 
> logging available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 crmd[2263]:   notice: main: CRM Git Version: 394e906
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 attrd[2261]:   notice: main: Starting mainloop...
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 cib[2258]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: Connecting 
> to cluster infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_ipc: Recorded 
> connection 0x14395e0 for cib/0
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_ipc: Sending 
> membership update 272 to cib
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 cib[2258]:   notice: ais_dispatch_message: 
> Membership 272: quorum acquired
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 cib[2258]:   notice: crm_update_peer_state: 
> crm_update_ais_node: Node zarafa01[352321546] - state is now member
> Oct 23 13:24:01 zarafa02 cib[2258]:   notice: crm_update_peer_state: 
> crm_update_ais_node: Node zarafa02[369098762] - state is now member
> Oct 23 13:24:02 zarafa02 stonith-ng[2259]:   notice: setup_cib: Watching for 
> stonith topology changes
> Oct 23 13:24:02 zarafa02 crmd[2263]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: 
> Connecting to cluster infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
> Oct 23 13:24:02 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_ipc: Recorded 
> connection 0x1440080 for crmd/0
> Oct 23 13:24:02 zarafa02 corosync[1700]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_ipc: Sending 
> membership update 272 to crmd
> Oct 23 13:24:02 zarafa02 crmd[2263]:   notice: ais_dispatch_message: 
> Membership 272: quorum acquired
> Oct 23 13:24:02 zarafa02 crmd[2263]:   notice: crm_update_peer_state: 
> crm_update_ais_node: Node zarafa01[352321546] - state is now member
> Oct 23 13:24:02 zarafa02 crmd[2263]:   notice: crm_update_peer_state: 
> crm_update_ais_node: Node zarafa02[369098762] - state is now member
> Oct 23 13:24:02 zarafa02 crmd[2263]:   notice: do_started: The local CRM is 
> operational
> Oct 23 13:24:03 zarafa02 stonith-ng[2259]:   notice: stonith_device_register: 
> Added 'stonith-zarafa01' to the device list (1 active devices)
> Oct 23 13:24:04 zarafa02 stonith-ng[2259]:   notice: stonith_device_register: 
> Added 'stonith-zarafa02' to the device list (2 active devices)
> Oct 23 13:24:04 zarafa02 crmd[2263]:   notice: do_state_transition: State 
> transition S_PENDING -> S_NOT_DC [ input=I_NOT_DC cause=C_HA_MESSAGE 
> origin=do_cl_join_finalize_respond ]
> 2013/10/23 Michael Schwartzkopff <>
> Am Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2013, 12:39:35 schrieb Beo Banks:
> > hi,
> >
> > thanks for answer.
> >
> > the pacemaker|corosync is running on both nodes.
> >
> > [chkconfig | grep corosync
> > corosync        0:Aus   1:Aus   2:Ein   3:Ein   4:Ein   5:Ein   6:Aus
> > chkconfig | grep pacemaker
> > pacemaker       0:Aus   1:Aus   2:Ein   3:Ein   4:Ein   5:Ein   6:Aus
> Looks good. What does the log of the boot say? Any signs of corosync?
> > @ssh key
> > no, i created the keys without passphrase.
> > maybe the config is wrong but i have checked a lot times and i can´t find
> > any issue.
> Is the key readable for the user that executes the fencing command? host list
> correct? How does the fencing agent know to fence "host2" (see your command
> line). How does it know what IP address to use? Is your /etc/hosts correct?
> > btw. your book "clusterbau: hochverfügbarkeit mit linux version3" is very
> > helpfull.
> Thanks. If your like it, you could write a 5-star review at amazon!
> > btw. selinux is disabled and iptables can´t be the reason because
> > fence_virsh works via commandline,or?
> it uses the virsh communication. It depends how you did set it up, but
> normally you use SSH. But see your setup.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> Michael Schwartzkopff
> --
> [*] sys4 AG
>, +49 (89) 30 90 46 64, +49 (162) 165 0044
> Franziskanerstraße 15, 81669 München
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: München, Amtsgericht München: HRB 199263
> Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Axel von der Ohe, Marc Schiffbauer
> Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Florian Kirstein
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