Hello Steve,

Are you sure that Pacemaker is the right product for your project? Have you
checked Mesos/Marathon or Kubernates? Those are frameworks being developed
for managing containers.

On Sat Feb 07 2015 at 1:19:15 PM Steven Dake (stdake) <std...@cisco.com>

>  Hi,
>  I am working on Containerizing OpenStack in the Kolla project (
> http://launchpad.net/kolla).  One of the key things we want to do over
> the next few months is add H/A support to our container tech.  David Vossel
> had suggested using systemctl to monitor the containers themselves by
> running healthchecking scripts within the containers.  That idea is sound.
>  There is another technology called “super-privileged containers”.
> Essentially it allows more host access for the container, allowing the
> treatment of Pacemaker as a container rather than a RPM or DEB file.  I’d
> like corosync to run in a separate container.  These containers will
> communicate using their normal mechanisms in a super-privileged mode.  We
> will implement this in Kolla.
>  Where I am stuck is how does Pacemaker within a container control other
> containers  in the host os.  One way I have considered is using the docker
> —pid=host flag, allowing pacemaker to communicate directly with the host
> systemctl process.  Where I am stuck is our containers don’t run via
> systemctl, but instead via shell scripts that are executed by third party
> deployment software.
>  An example:
> Lets say a rabbitmq container wants to run:
>  The user would run
> kolla-mgr deploy messaging
>  This would run a small bit of code to launch the docker container set
> for messaging.
>  Could pacemaker run something like
>  Kolla-mgr status messaging
>  To control the lifecycle of the processes?
>  Or would we be better off with some systemd integration with kolla-mgr?
>  Thoughts welcome
>  Regards,
> -steve
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