> On 20 Feb 2015, at 9:24 pm, Lukas Kostyan <lukas.kost...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2015-02-19 22:49 GMT+01:00 Andrew Beekhof <and...@beekhof.net>:
> > On 10 Feb 2015, at 11:53 pm, Lukas Kostyan <lukas.kost...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > was following the guide from clusterlab but use debian wheezy.
> > corosync   1.4.2-3
> >
> > pacemaker  1.1.7-1
> > cman       3.0.12-3.2+deb7u2
> >
> > configured the active/passive with no problems but as soon as I try to 
> > config active/active with cman pacemaker doesnt start anymore it doesnt 
> > even write anything related to pacemaker in the logs, any ideas how to get 
> > a hint? Suggestions? I am following this guide:
> > http://clusterlabs.org/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.1-plugin/html/Clusters_from_Scratch/ch08.html
> >
> > Thank you in advance!
> > ###########################
> > /etc/init.d/service.d/pcmk is removed
> Um... why?
> Isn't that the script that is supposed to start pacemaker?
> sry this was a typo its /etc/corosync/service.d/pcmk. If I got you right 
> Andrew its the pacemaker plugin which is loaded from corosync to provide 
> quorum and membership information. This is supposed to be now replaced by 
> cman. 


> any suggestions?

Run /etc/init.d/pacemaker instead of /etc/init.d/cman :-)

> thank you for responding!
> >
> > Starting cluster:
> >    Checking Network Manager... [  OK  ]
> >    Global setup... [  OK  ]
> >    Loading kernel modules... [  OK  ]
> >    Mounting configfs... [  OK  ]
> >    Starting cman... [  OK  ]
> >    Waiting for quorum... [  OK  ]
> >    Starting fenced... [  OK  ]
> >    Starting dlm_controld... [  OK  ]
> >    Starting gfs_controld... [  OK  ]
> >    Unfencing self... [  OK  ]
> >    Joining fence domain... [  OK  ]
> > root@vm-2:~# cman_tool nodes
> > Node  Sts   Inc   Joined               Name
> >    1   M    264   2015-02-06 10:09:15  vm-1.cluster.com
> >    2   M    256   2015-02-06 10:08:59  vm-2.cluster.com
> > root@vm-2:~# /etc/init.d/pacemaker start
> > Starting Pacemaker Cluster Manager: [FAILED]
> > ************
> >
> > root@vm-2:/var/log/cluster# cat corosync.log
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine ('1.4.2'):
> > started and ready to provide service.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in features: nss
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MAIN  ] Successfully read config from
> > /etc/cluster/cluster.conf
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MAIN  ] Successfully parsed cman config
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MAIN  ] Successfully configured openais services
> > to load
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Token Timeout (10000 ms) retransmit
> > timeout (2380 ms)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] token hold (1894 ms) retransmits before
> > loss (4 retrans)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] join (60 ms) send_join (0 ms) consensus
> > (20000 ms) merge (200 ms)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] downcheck (1000 ms) fail to recv const
> > (2500 msgs)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] seqno unchanged const (30 rotations)
> > Maximum network MTU 1402
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] window size per rotation (50 messages)
> > maximum messages per rotation (17 messages)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] missed count const (5 messages)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] send threads (0 threads)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP token expired timeout (2380 ms)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP token problem counter (2000 ms)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP threshold (10 problem count)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP multicast threshold (100 problem
> > count)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP automatic recovery check timeout
> > (1000 ms)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP mode set to none.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] heartbeat_failures_allowed (0)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] max_network_delay (50 ms)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] HeartBeat is Disabled. To enable set
> > heartbeat_failures_allowed > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Initializing transport (UDP/IP
> > Multicast).
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Initializing transmit/receive security:
> > libtomcrypt SOBER128/SHA1HMAC (mode 0).
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [IPC   ] you are using ipc api v2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Receive multicast socket recv buffer size
> > (262142 bytes).
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Transmit multicast socket send buffer
> > size (262142 bytes).
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] The network interface [] is
> > now up.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Created or loaded sequence id
> > for this ring.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [QUORUM] Using quorum provider quorum_cman
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster
> > quorum service v0.1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] CMAN starting
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: Got node vm-1.cluster.com from ccs
> > (id=1, votes=1)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: add_new_node: vm-1.cluster.com,
> > (id=1, votes=1) newalloc=1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: Got node vm-2.cluster.com from ccs
> > (id=2, votes=1)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: add_new_node: vm-2.cluster.com,
> > (id=2, votes=1) newalloc=1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: add_new_node: vm-2.cluster.com,
> > (id=2, votes=1) newalloc=0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] CMAN 3.0.12 (built Jan 12 2013 15:20:22)
> > started
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync CMAN
> > membership service 2.90
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: openais cluster
> > membership service B.01.01
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Evt exec init request
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: openais event
> > service B.01.01
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: openais checkpoint
> > service B.01.01
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_exec_init_fn
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: openais message
> > service B.03.01
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [LCK   ] [DEBUG]: lck_exec_init_fn
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: openais
> > distributed locking service B.03.01
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: openais timer
> > service A.01.01
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync extended
> > virtual synchrony service
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync
> > configuration service
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster
> > closed process group service v1.01
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster
> > config database access v1.01
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync profile
> > loading service
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [QUORUM] Using quorum provider quorum_cman
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster
> > quorum service v0.1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MAIN  ] Compatibility mode set to whitetank.
> > Using V1 and V2 of the synchronization engine.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] entering GATHER state from 15.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Creating commit token because I am the
> > rep.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Saving state aru 0 high seq received 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Storing new sequence id for ring 10c
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] entering COMMIT state.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] got commit token
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] entering RECOVERY state.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] position [0] member
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] previous ring seq 108 rep
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] aru 0 high delivered 0 received flag 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Did not need to originate any messages in
> > recovery.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] got commit token
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Sending initial ORF token
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] token retrans flag is 0 my set retrans
> > flag0 retrans queue empty 1 count 0, aru 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] install seq 0 aru 0 high seq received 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] token retrans flag is 0 my set retrans
> > flag0 retrans queue empty 1 count 1, aru 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] install seq 0 aru 0 high seq received 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] token retrans flag is 0 my set retrans
> > flag0 retrans queue empty 1 count 2, aru 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] install seq 0 aru 0 high seq received 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] token retrans flag is 0 my set retrans
> > flag0 retrans queue empty 1 count 3, aru 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] install seq 0 aru 0 high seq received 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] retrans flag count 4 token aru 0 install
> > seq 0 aru 0 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Resetting old ring state
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] recovery to regular 1-0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering to app 1 to 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CLM   ] CLM CONFIGURATION CHANGE
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CLM   ] New Configuration:
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CLM   ] Members Left:
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CLM   ] Members Joined:
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Evt conf change 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] m 0, j 0 l 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [LCK   ] [DEBUG]: lck_confchg_fn
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_confchg_fn
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] ais: confchg_fn called type = 1, seq=268
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CLM   ] CLM CONFIGURATION CHANGE
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CLM   ] New Configuration:
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CLM   ]     r(0) ip(
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CLM   ] Members Left:
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CLM   ] Members Joined:
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CLM   ]     r(0) ip(
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Evt conf change 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] m 1, j 1 l 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [LCK   ] [DEBUG]: lck_confchg_fn
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_confchg_fn
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] ais: confchg_fn called type = 0, seq=268
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] ais: last memb_count = 0, current = 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: sending TRANSITION message.
> > cluster_name = mycluster
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] ais: comms send message 0x7fff0a35a4f0
> > len = 65
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] This node is within the primary component
> > and will provide service.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] entering OPERATIONAL state.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] A processor joined or left the membership
> > and a new membership was formed.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 0 to 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 1 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] ais: deliver_fn source nodeid = 2,
> > len=81, endian_conv=0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: Message on port 0 is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: got TRANSITION from node 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: Got TRANSITION message. msg-
> > >flags=20, node->flags=20, first_trans=1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: add_ais_node ID=2, incarnation =
> > 268
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [QUORUM] Members[1]: 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [QUORUM] sending quorum notification to (nil),
> > length = 52
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [QUORUM] Members[1]: 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [QUORUM] sending quorum notification to (nil),
> > length = 52
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 2 =
> > 1.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization actions starting for
> > (openais cluster membership service B.01.01)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 1 to 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 2 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CLM   ] got nodejoin message
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 2 to 3
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 3 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 2 =
> > 1.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Committing synchronization for (openais
> > cluster membership service B.01.01)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization actions starting for
> > (dummy AMF service)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 3
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 3 to 4
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 4 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 2 =
> > 1.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Committing synchronization for (dummy AMF
> > service)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization actions starting for
> > (openais checkpoint service B.01.01)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 4 to 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 5 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 4
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 5 to 6
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 6 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 2 =
> > 1.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Committing synchronization for (openais
> > checkpoint service B.01.01)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization actions starting for
> > (openais event service B.01.01)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Evt synchronize initialization
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] My node ID r(0) ip(
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Process Evt synchronization
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Send max event ID updates
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Process Evt synchronization
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Send open count updates
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] DONE Sending open counts
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 6
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 6 to 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 7 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Remote channel operation request
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] my node ID: 0x2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Receive EVT_CONF_CHANGE_DONE from nodeid
> > r(0) ip(  members 1 checked in 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Process Evt synchronization
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] DONE Sending retained events
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 7 to 8
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 8 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Remote channel operation request
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] my node ID: 0x2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Receive EVT_CONF_DONE from nodeid r(0)
> > ip( , members 1 checked in 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Process Evt synchronization
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Recovery complete
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 8
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 8 to 9
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 9 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 2 =
> > 1.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [EVT   ] Evt synchronize activation
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Committing synchronization for (openais
> > event service B.01.01)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization actions starting for
> > (corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 9 to b
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq a to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq b to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CPG   ] comparing: sender r(0) ip( ;
> > members(old:0 left:0)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [CPG   ] chosen downlist: sender r(0)
> > ip( ; members(old:0 left:0)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 9
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering b to c
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq c to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 2 =
> > 1.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNC  ] Committing synchronization for (corosync
> > cluster closed process group service v1.01)
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including b
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering c to d
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq d to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [LCK   ] [DEBUG]: lck_sync_init
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [LCK   ] [DEBUG]:
> > lck_sync_resource_lock_timer_stop
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [LCK   ] [DEBUG]: lck_sync_process
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including c
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering d to e
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq e to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNCV2] Committing synchronization for openais
> > distributed locking service B.03.01
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [LCK   ] [DEBUG]: lck_sync_activate
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [LCK   ] [DEBUG]: lck_sync_resource_free
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [LCK   ] [DEBUG]:
> > lck_sync_resource_lock_timer_start
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [LCK   ] [DEBUG]:     global_lock_count = 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_init
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_queue_enter
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_process
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_queue_iterate
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_group_enter
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including d
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_process
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_group_iterate
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_reply_enter
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including e
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_process
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_reply_iterate
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering e to f
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq f to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [SYNCV2] Committing synchronization for openais
> > message service B.03.01
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_activate
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_queue_free
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_group_free
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_sync_reply_free
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MSG   ] [DEBUG]: msg_queue_timer_restart
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization, ready
> > to provide service.
> > Feb 06 10:43:29 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including f
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 0 bytes from fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Freed 0 queued messages
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_all_members: retlen = 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000007 to fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 0 bytes from fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Freed 0 queued messages
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 91
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 91
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000091 to fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 9
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 9
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 16
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000009 to fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 92
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 92
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_extrainfo: allocated new buffer
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 320
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000092 to fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000005 to fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is -2
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is d
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is d
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 4000000d to fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 440
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 0 bytes from fd 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Freed 0 queued messages
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is b
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is b
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 4000000b to fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000001 to fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000005 to fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_all_members: retlen = 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000007 to fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 440
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is b
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is b
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 4000000b to fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000001 to fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 440
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000005 to fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_all_members: retlen = 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000007 to fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is bf
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is bf
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 144
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 400000bf to fd 20
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CPG   ] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a31900,
> > cpd=0x1a25df0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a2d5a0
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering f to 10
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 10 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CPG   ] got procjoin message from cluster node 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 10
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CPG   ] got mcast request on 0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 10 to 11
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 11 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 11
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CPG   ] got mcast request on 0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 11 to 12
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 12 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 12
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CPG   ] got mcast request on 0x1a31900
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 12 to 13
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 13 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 13
> > Feb 06 10:43:31 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a291d0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a29190
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a29190
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a29190
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a29190
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a29190
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a29190
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a29190
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a29190
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a29190,
> > cpd=0x1a22ce0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 13 to 14
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 14 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] got procjoin message from cluster node 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 14
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] got mcast request on 0x1a29190
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 14 to 15
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 15 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 15
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] got mcast request on 0x1a29190
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 15 to 16
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 16 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 16
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] got mcast request on 0x1a29190
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 16 to 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 17 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 17
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is b
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is b
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 4000000b to fd 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 1
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000001 to fd 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 91
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 91
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000091 to fd 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 440
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_all_members: retlen = 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000007 to fd 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3a030,
> > cpd=0x1a28780
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35cd0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 17 to 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 18 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] got procjoin message from cluster node 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] got mcast request on 0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 18 to 19
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 19 to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 19
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] got mcast request on 0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 19 to 1a
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 1a to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 1a
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] got mcast request on 0x1a3a030
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 1a to 1b
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 1b to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 1b
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is b
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is b
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 4000000b to fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 440
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 0 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Freed 0 queued messages
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 91
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 91
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000091 to fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 9
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 9
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 16
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000009 to fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 92
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 92
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_extrainfo: allocated new buffer
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 320
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000092 to fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000005 to fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is -2
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is d
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is d
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 4000000d to fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 440
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 0 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Freed 0 queued messages
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is b
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is b
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 4000000b to fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 0 bytes from fd 26
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Freed 0 queued messages
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 440
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 440
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a35c60
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a35c60,
> > cpd=0x1a20390
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] mcasted message added to pending queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering 1b to 1c
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] Delivering MCAST message with seq 1c to
> > pending delivery queue
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CPG   ] got procjoin message from cluster node 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [TOTEM ] releasing messages up to and including 1c
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000005 to fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_all_members: retlen = 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000007 to fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000005 to fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_all_members: retlen = 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000007 to fd 18
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 91
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 91
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 24
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000091 to fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 9
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 9
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 16
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000009 to fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 92
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 92
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_extrainfo: allocated new buffer
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 320
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000092 to fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 5
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000005 to fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is -2
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is d
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is d
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 4000000d to fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 90
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 0
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 440
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000090 to fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 0 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Freed 0 queued messages
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3e390
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3e390
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3e390
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3e390
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3e390
> > Feb 06 10:43:32 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3e390
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_all_members: retlen = 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000007 to fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_all_members: retlen = 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000007 to fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: client command is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: About to process command
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command to process is 7
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: get_all_members: retlen = 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] memb: command return code is 2
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Returning command data. length =
> > 880
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: sending reply 40000007 to fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: read 0 bytes from fd 28
> > Feb 06 10:43:44 corosync [CMAN  ] daemon: Freed 0 queued messages
> > Feb 06 10:43:56 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a3e390
> > Feb 06 10:43:56 corosync [CONFDB] lib_init_fn: conn=0x1a426f0
> > Feb 06 10:43:56 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a426f0
> > Feb 06 10:43:56 corosync [CONFDB] exit_fn for conn=0x1a3e390
> >
> >
> > --
> > Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> > Lukas Kostyan
> >
> > This message and attachments are, and may be, confidential and are sent for 
> > the personal attention of the addressee(s).  If you are not the intended 
> > addressee, any use, disclosure or copying of this document is unauthorised. 
> >  If you have received this communication in error, please delete it and 
> > notify me immediately. Thank you.
> > _______________________________________________
> > Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker@oss.clusterlabs.org
> > http://oss.clusterlabs.org/mailman/listinfo/pacemaker
> >
> > Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
> > Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
> > Bugs: http://bugs.clusterlabs.org
> _______________________________________________
> Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker@oss.clusterlabs.org
> http://oss.clusterlabs.org/mailman/listinfo/pacemaker
> Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
> Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
> Bugs: http://bugs.clusterlabs.org
> -- 
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Lukas Kostyan
> This message and attachments are, and may be, confidential and are sent for 
> the personal attention of the addressee(s).  If you are not the intended 
> addressee, any use, disclosure or copying of this document is unauthorised.  
> If you have received this communication in error, please delete it and notify 
> me immediately. Thank you.
> _______________________________________________
> Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker@oss.clusterlabs.org
> http://oss.clusterlabs.org/mailman/listinfo/pacemaker
> Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
> Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
> Bugs: http://bugs.clusterlabs.org

Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker@oss.clusterlabs.org

Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
Bugs: http://bugs.clusterlabs.org

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