Hi all,

I was trying to find out whether it is possible to START/STOP pacemaker, and 
also run PCS commands as non-root user (in my case it is 'admin' user).
I did add the user('admin') to haclient group, but it is of no help. I get the 
following error on start :

[admin@vm4 ~]$ service pacemaker start
Only root can execute /etc/init.d/cman script
Starting Pacemaker Cluster Manager: touch: cannot touch 
`/var/lock/subsys/pacemaker': Permission denied
/etc/init.d/pacemaker: line 94: /var/run/pacemakerd.pid: Permission denied
                                                           [  OK  ]
[admin@vm4 ~]$ id admin
uid=500(admin) gid=500(admin) groups=500(admin),10(wheel),496(haclient)

Can anybody help me here or point me to any resource to resolve this.. ?

Thanks in advance.. :)

Ravikiran N

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