--- Comment #2 from Šimon Lukašík <> ---
First couple of ideas:
 - There is no documentation for each plug-in. It is not the must for me, but
it would be great to have a few words about each plug-in.
 - name of library: libbd, I am afraid to use libbd as library name. Light
search on web for libdb gives some results. What do you think about possible
    - package name is libblockdev
    - lib name is bd.
    - header files are in blockdev directory
   I am not sure what can break if those are not consistent.
 - Quoting the Fedora guidelines: 
      In the vast majority of cases, devel packages must require
      the base package using a fully versioned dependency:
      Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} 
 - requires from libblockdev-plugins-all should imho also put the fully
versioned dependency in. What if I want to install libblockdev-plugins-all.i686
on my box?
 - spell-check says that metapackage is not word, 'meta-package' will do it.

What are your thoughts, Vraťo?

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