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--- Comment #18 from Iain Arnell <> 2010-07-22 11:13:18 EDT ---
(In reply to comment #16)

Thanks for picking this one up. (And the rest you've done recently - I must owe
you a whole bunch of shiny beads).

> I do not have a rawhide handy to test, but I've never seen before the 
> construct
> that you have used in the config file for httpd, that is:
> Alias /mojomojo/ /usr/bin/
> <Location /mojomojo>
> Options ExecCGI
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> AddHandler fcgid-script .pl
> </Location>
> where  /usr/bin/ is a script, not a directory as the Alias
> directive might seem to indicate.
> does not reference
> this type of use either. Is it really correct ?

Yes, I didn't believe it when I first saw it either (I got the snippet from
But it certainly works. The Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI docs claim that the
trailing slashes are important for setting PATH_INFO properly.

There should be no need to test under rawhide - this review has been around
long enough that it works out of the box on F-13 (and probably F-12 too).

I'll wait until I hear back from dwalsh on the selinux bits before posting an
updated rpm.

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