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--- Comment #8 from Andrea Musuruane <> 2010-07-29 10:06:58 
EDT ---
* I suggest you to use desktop-file-validator instead of desktop-file-install
if no modification in the desktop file are needed:

* Anyway, I see from the koji build that there is a warning in the desktop file
that must be fixed: 'warning: key "MimeType" is a list and does not have a
semicolon as trailing character, fixing'. Please report this problem upstream.

* If an application installs icons into one of the subdirectories in
%{_datadir}/icons/ (such as hicolor), icon caches must be updated so that the
installed icons show up in menus right after package installation:

* Any relevant documentation included in the source distribution should be
included in the package (e.g. readme.txt, todo.txt):

* If (and only if) the source package includes the text of the license(s) in
its own file, then that file, containing the text of the license(s) for the
package must be included in %doc.

* You must keep a changelog even if this package is still being reviewed.

* You must BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils

* You must fix directory ownership. The package must Requires:

* Debian and upstream have some bugfixing patches available:;a=tree;f=debian/patches;h=599486d6fcdcf4efec772299dc51b0179a77411a;hb=HEAD

I just had a quick look at the spec file. I still have to play with it deeply.

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