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--- Comment #1 from Steve Traylen <> 2010-09-28 17:20:16 
EDT ---
Date:    28th September 2010.
Package: python26-mysqldb-1.2.3c1-2.el5.src.rpm.

[QUERY] specfiles match:
[PASS] source files match upstream:
$ md5sum MySQL-python-1.2.3c1.tar.gz ../SOURCES/MySQL-python-1.2.3c1.tar.gz 
310dd856e439d070b59ece6dd7a0734d  MySQL-python-1.2.3c1.tar.gz
310dd856e439d070b59ece6dd7a0734d  ../SOURCES/MySQL-python-1.2.3c1.tar.gz
[FAIL] package meets naming and versioning guidelines.
I thing 1.2.3c inicates a 1.2.3 candidate so the release should be 
a 0.N. However 1.2.3 is released now anyway.

[PASS] spec is properly named, cleanly written, and uses macros consistently.
[PASS] dist tag is present.
[PASS] build root is correct.
[PASS] license field matches the actual license.
[PASS] license is open source-compatible.
[FAIL] license text included in package.
[FAIL] latest version is being packaged.
[FAIL] BuildRequires are proper.
[PASS] compiler flags are appropriate.
CFLAGS set correctly for a python package.
[PASS] %clean is present. 
[PASS] package builds in mock.
[FAIL] rpmlint is silent.
[FAIL] final provides and requires are sane
[IGNORE] %check is present and all tests pass:
[PASS] no shared libraries are added to the regular linker search paths.
[PASS] owns the directories it creates. 
[PASS] doesn't own any directories it shouldn't.
[PASS] no duplicates in %files.
[FAIL] file permissions are appropriate.
See rpmlint messages.
[IGNORE] scriptlets match those on ScriptletSnippets page.
[PASS] code, not content.
[PASS] documentation is small, so no -docs subpackage is necessary.
[PASS] %docs are not necessary for the proper functioning of the package.
[PASS] no headers.
[PASS] no pkgconfig files.
[PASS] no libtool .la droppings.
[INGORE] desktop files valid and installed properly.

+ python26-mysqldb.src: W: unexpanded-macro dependency 
  python26-devel >= %{pyver} %{pyver}

  This is just odd because of how pyver is defined above. Change
  this and all the other %defines to be %global might hopefully fix this.

+ python26-mysqldb.x86_64: W: private-shared-object-provides 
  It provides ''  This can be filtered out. I've
  only recently started doing this and I think it is the correct thing
  to do but nobody seems to do it.

+ python26-mysqldb.x86_64: E: non-standard-executable-perm
/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/ 0775L
  Can this be fixed? 

 The tar ball is called MySQL-python*.tar.gz and the existing 2.4 package
 is MySQL-python. For me it makes sense to make it obvious within
 a OS release that this corresponds to the 2.4 package MySQL-python.
 i.e can we consider renamaing the package as MySQL-python26?

+The file GPL has not been included as a doc file.
+There looks to be a 1.2.3 rather than 1.2.3c release can we update to that.
+The Requires explictly mention mysql as needed but this is pulled in any
 anyway by the autogenerated requirement
 so can be removed. Can you check for mx as well if it is needed.
+ gcc nor  Distutils is needed in BuildRequires since they will always
  be there.

+ Use the %global for the defines.
+ The Source0 contain prdownloads, can the 'pr' be  dropped.
+ You don't set a 
  %{!?python_sitearch: %global python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from
distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(1))")}

  and then make use of that in %files which is the more normall thing
  to do rather than the /usr/%{_lib}. The prefix of '/usr/' certainly
  should go somehow ideally.

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