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--- Comment #7 from Tim Bielawa <> 2011-05-07 23:22:00 EDT 
Kevin, thanks for taking the time to review this!

> Issues: 
> 1. Not a blocker, but: There's no need to use macros for things that are 
> longer...

You just cleared something up I've been wondering for a while. I figured the
macros were for compatibility across build targets. But yeah you're right, cp
and rm are probably not going to have any compatibility issues.

I'm going to leave them in though since: 1) they're already there, and 2) the
uniformity makes the %install section look nice and readable.

> 2. Both the main package and subpackage require func, so what is the 
> advantage...

- python-taboot is a client package that you can install on any minion you run
commands from,  your 'command-center' you might say.

- taboot-func is a func module that gets installed on target machines. I'll
update the %description of that, its purpose could be much clearer.

Specifically: taboot-func provides a func interface to the mod_jk API on tomcat
JK balancers. The way we use Taboot now we have 'command center' type host in a
given environment that is granted access to the other minions. From there the
func command would go to a machine and utilize the modjk func module that was
installed by taboot-func.

> 3. You don't need a clean section if you aren't targeting EPEL (which I hope 
> you are) but why 
> the "%{__make} clean" at the top of it? 

That is a very good question. I'll see it's unnecessary and remove it if so.

Yes, I do intend to target EPEL. From the EPEL Package Maintainers Page [0] I
see it says that after this is approved for Fedora I can then go on to request
EPEL branches. What does that require of me exactly?

> Do you have any other packages you are going to submit at this time?

When you asked about taboot-func it reminded me that the modjkapi library needs
to be available too. It's already packaged with a specfile, I just need to
build it and clean out any rpmlint that might show up.

I'll reply to this ticket again as soon as I have another release addressing
the issues you brought up. Also included will be a reference to the modjkapi
library review request.


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