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--- Comment #58 from Alec Leamas <> 2011-06-17 06:51:33 
EDT ---
Server review:


rpmlint must be run on the source rpm and all binary rpms...NOK
Seems that all warnings could be removed: 
- The spelling errors could be handled by a hyphen 
  (addons -> add-ons, the US folks are just strange). 
- Expand all tabs in specfile to blanks. 
- Remove comment line w macros (29). 
- Fix patches (see below)
- Don't use macros in changelog, expand them "by hand".

The spec file name must match the base package %{name}....OK

The package must meet the Packaging Guidelines. TBD
Dependencies: Havn't really time for this ATM, but I notice 
that much is improved. Let's presume it's ok

The package must be licensed with a Fedora approved license...: NOK
Once again, without checking the details, the License Field 
in the spec does not reflect the breakdown in debian/copyright


Separate License file must be in %doc...: NOK
- The only reasonable breakdown, debian/copyright is not present  

The spec file must be written in American English: OK
  To my understanding :)

The spec file for the package MUST be legible: OK

The build sources must match the upstream source...NOK

  You have used patched source, not OK. Use the orignal source
  and apply the patches in the spec file instead. It's easy
  to remove once they are accepted. This will also fix the last
  rpmlint warnings.

The package MUST successfully compile and build into binary rpms...: OK
  Builds OK on f14 and f15.

All build dependencies must be listed in BuildRequires...OK
The spec file MUST handle locales properly...: OK

Packages must NOT bundle copies of system libraries: NOK
  - contains bundled ftpserver (in Fedora: pyftpdlib)
  - contains bundled rml2pdf  (in Fedora: python-trml2pdf)

A package must own all directories that it creates. OK
Package must not list a file more than once in %file ..: OK
Permissions on files must be set properly...: OK
Each package must consistently use macros: OK
The package must contain code, or permissable content: OK
%doc must not affect the runtime of the application...: OK
Header files must be in a -devel package N/a
Packages must not own files or dir's owned by other ones...OK
All filenames in rpm packages must be valid UTF-8.: OK


Package built on koji/mock: OK
Scriptlets should be sane: OK
  (The test that update-desktop-database exists is not required:)

Besides minor editing in spec file the open issues are the bundled
libs, the use of patched source and that the different licenses
are not handled properly.

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