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Jussi Lehtola <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEW                         |ASSIGNED
                 CC|                            |
         AssignedTo|    |
               Flag|                            |fedora-review?

--- Comment #2 from Jussi Lehtola <> 2011-12-27 08:00:35 
EST ---
This looks useful, but the spec file looks like it's been written in quite a
hurry and needs some working over.


nested.noarch: W: summary-ended-with-dot C Nested is a specialized editor
focused on creating structured documents such as reports, publications,
presentations, books, etc.
nested.noarch: E: summary-too-long C Nested is a specialized editor focused on
creating structured documents such as reports, publications, presentations,
books, etc.
nested.noarch: W: name-repeated-in-summary C Nested
nested.noarch: E: description-line-too-long C Nested is a specialized editor
focused on creating structured documents such as reports, publications,
presentations, books, etc. It is designed to help the user concentrate on
writing content without been distracted by format or markup. It offers a rich
WYSIWYM interface where the user writes plain text with a lightweight markup
nested.noarch: W: incoherent-version-in-changelog 1.2.2-2 ['1.2.2-3.fc16',
nested.noarch: W: invalid-license GPL2+
nested.noarch: E: non-executable-script
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nested/ 0644L /usr/bin/env
nested.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary nested
nested.src: W: summary-ended-with-dot C Nested is a specialized editor focused
on creating structured documents such as reports, publications, presentations,
books, etc.
nested.src: E: summary-too-long C Nested is a specialized editor focused on
creating structured documents such as reports, publications, presentations,
books, etc.
nested.src: W: name-repeated-in-summary C Nested
nested.src: E: description-line-too-long C Nested is a specialized editor
focused on creating structured documents such as reports, publications,
presentations, books, etc. It is designed to help the user concentrate on
writing content without been distracted by format or markup. It offers a rich
WYSIWYM interface where the user writes plain text with a lightweight markup
nested.src: W: invalid-license GPL2+
2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 5 errors, 8 warnings.

Fix these. Summary should be something like
 A specialized editor focused on creating structured documents
and the description should be line-wrapped.

License tag should read GPLv2+.


Drop the tarball_name macro which isn't used anywhere.


Drop explicit Requires: python.


 Requires: texlive texlive-latex 
 Requires: tex(latex)

which is the recommended form.


Please buildrequire gettext-devel instead of plain gettext.


Drop the if clause in

%if ! (0%{?fedora} > 12 || 0%{?rhel} > 5)
%{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from
distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")}

since it does not make any sense. The declaration of python_sitelib is enough.


Drop the --record=INSTALLED_FILES statement from the install, as it isn't (and
should not be) used.


Please document the l10 stuff.


Please separate the %clean section from the %install section, or you can drop
it altogether.


Please be more verbose in %files - there's no need to use wildcards.


Also, if you intend to build for EPEL-5, you need the %defattr line.


CHANGELOG.txt and LICENSE.txt are missing from %doc.


These are my initial comments. When you have addressed these I will perform the
full review.

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