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--- Comment #5 from Petr Pisar <> 2012-01-04 09:41:00 EST ---
Spec file changes:

--- perl-Wx-Scintilla.spec      2012-01-02 16:58:24.000000000 +0100
+++ perl-Wx-Scintilla.spec.1    2012-01-04 11:57:07.000000000 +0100
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 While we already have a good scintilla editor component support via
 Wx::StyledTextCtrl in Perl, we already suffer from an older scintilla package
 and thus lagging Perl support in the popular Wx Scintilla component. wxWidgets
-L<> has a *very slow* release timeline. Scintilla is a
+ has a *very slow* release timeline. Scintilla is a
 contributed project which means it will not be the latest by the time a new
 wxWidgets distribution is released. And on the scintilla front, the Perl 5
 is not 100% bug free even and we do not have any kind of Perl 6 support in
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
 rm -rf ./Wx-Scintilla-%{version}/wx-scintilla

-export LDFLAGS=--enable-new-dtags
 %{__perl} Build.PL installdirs=vendor optimize="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS"

> > FIX: wx-scintilla/src/scintilla/License.txt looks like MIT but it is not
> > exact copy of any wordings from
> > <>. Please get confirmation
> > by Fedora legal department. Scintiall variant should appear on the web
> > page.
> I've already sent email to legal. Spot answered it's MIT

> and my wording of license is correct.
I didn't thought your wording. I thought copy of Scintilla MIT variant would
appear on the web page. I thought that each unique  wording recognized as a
variant should appear there. Maybe my assumption is wrong.

> FIX: Remove POD mark-up from Description text.
-L<> has a *very slow* release timeline. Scintilla is a
+ has a *very slow* release timeline. Scintilla is a

This is not everything. I can still see L<> and L<Wx>.
FIX: Clean all the marks

> FPC ticket:
Once you obtain exception, drop a notice here and refer to new spec file with
cleaned description.

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