--- Comment #4 from Pierre-YvesChibon <> ---
- License has been adjusted and is a valid license
- Spec is clean
- Build is clean
- the script provided to generate the tarball works fine
- sha1sum is consistent between the srpm and the output from the mentionned
- rpmlint is almost silent

python-qrcode.noarch: W: no-version-in-last-changelog

- the script in %{_bindir} `qr` works fine

Couple of concerns:
- qr is a littble bit short and unclear as to what it is, I would consider
finding a nicer name for it.
- this same script doesn't check that at least one argument was passed to the
command (this is a bug (imho) which should be reported upstream)
- the changelog is not correctly formated

Speaking about the changelog, it is customary to increase the release number
and document in the changelog the changes brought by the review.
IE: you should have done a new release (2) for the change on the license tag in
the spec and reflect this change in the changelog.

All in all, this package looks good and is nicely working so I will approve it
as soon as these few changes are done :)

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