This is how building for Ubuntu should work, using the "deb packager"
signing key, but when I tried it, the uploaded files disappeared into a
black hole.

Note that I've already built 3.7.4 in Launchpad using my own signing key.

pre-requisite: github commit privs in

There are four Debian/Ubuntu VMs running in the lab:


    debian 7 (wheezy)


    debian 8 (jessie)


    debian 9 (stretch)


    ubuntu 14.04 LTS (trusty)

If you're not already subscribed to, subscribe soon.

Sign on as root (usual lab machine password, if you don't know it, ask
someone, including me. ;-)). Create your own user account. Add yourself
to group wheel to give yourself passwordless sudo. Unfortunately these
are internal Red Hat machines so only Red Hat employees will be able to
build. This recipe will go through building 3.7.4 for Ubuntu Trusty.
(Precise is too old for 3.7.x, Utopic is obsolete, we only build for 3.7
for Trusty and Utopic.) % ssh

%if $first-time

rhs-vm-17 % mkdir -p src/github

rhs-vm-17 % cd src/github

rhs-vm-17 % git clone

rhs-vm-17 % cd glusterfs-debian

rhs-vm-17 % git checkout -b trusty-glusterfs-3.7 origin/trusty-glusterfs-3.7


rhs-vm-17 % cd src/github/glusterfs-debian

rhs-vm-17 % git checkout trusty-glusterfs-3.7


rhs-vm-17 % cd debian

Edit 'changelog' file. Edit other files as necessary. Most likely is to
edit 'control' to add or chang e Build-Depends: or Depends:.

rhs-vm-17 % sudo su glusterpackager

rhs-vm-17 % cd

You can mostly cut-and-paste from the HOWTO into the xterm. There are a
few steps in the HOWTO that we don't do any more. See below.

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~$ SERIES=3.7

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~$ VERSION=3.6.7

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~$ RELEASE=1

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~$ mkdir build packages

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~$ cd ~/build

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~/build$ wget${SERIES}/${VERSION}/glusterfs-${VERSION}

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~/build$ ln -s glusterfs-${VERSION}.tar.gz

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~/build$ tar xzf glusterfs-${VERSION}.tar.gz

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~/build$ cd glusterfs-${VERSION}

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~/build/glusterfs-3.6.5$ cp -a
~$yourusername/src/github/glusterfs-debian/debian .

Note: you might double check before proceeding that debian/changelog has
the changes you made.

Now build the .source_changes file. You will need the deb.packages
signing key passphrase from ~glusterpackager /README. Do not share the
passphrase with anyone. You can cut-and-paste here:

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~/build/glusterfs-3.6.5$ debuild -S -sa -kF45ADF1C

Enter the passphrase twice when prompted.

glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~/build/glusterfs-3.6.5$ cd ..

Upload the source.changes file to
Launchpadglusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~/build/$ dput
cd .. glusterpackager@rhs-vm-17:~$ mv build packages
glusterfs-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}-trusty That's it. If you have any
questions, don't hesitate to ask. -- Kaleb

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