On 02/23/2017 08:09 PM, Gluster Build System wrote:
> SRC: http://bits.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/src/glusterfs-3.10.0.tar.gz
> This release is made off jenkins-release-187

packages for Fedora 26 (rawhide) are in Fedora Updates.
packages for Fedora 24 and 25, and Debian Jessie(8) and Stretch(9) are
available on download.gluster.org at [1]
packages for Ubuntu Xenial(16.04), Yakkety(16.10), and Zesty(17.04) are
available in the Launchpad PPAs at [2]
packages for SLES12 and OpenSuSE Leap 42.2 are available in the OpenSuSE
Build System (OBS) at [3]

Note: The Fedora and Debian packages are signed with a new key for 3.10.
The public key is at [4]

There is a new .../LTM-3.10->.../3.10/3.10.0 symlink. The
.../3.10/LATEST->.../3.10/3.10.0 symlink has been created. I will be
moving the .../LATEST symlink to .../3.10/3.10.0 shortly.

Now I'm off to try to remember how to kick of CentOS Storage SIG builds.
I will send an update when the builds are done.

[1] https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/3.10/3.10.0
[2] https://launchpad.net/~gluster
[3] https://build.opensuse.org/project/subprojects/home:kkeithleatredhat
[4] https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/3.10/rsa.pub


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