On 05/14/2017 04:24 PM, Gluster Build System wrote:
> SRC: http://bits.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/src/glusterfs-3.10.2.tar.gz
> This release is made off jenkins-release-195

Packages for Fedora-25 and 26 are queued in bodhi and will land in
Fedora Updates-Testing repos soon, and in the Fedora Updates repo after
a nominal testing period.

Packages for Fedora-24 and 27 are on download.gluster.org

Packages for Debian jessie (8) and stretch (9) are on download.gluster.org.

Packages for Ubuntu xenial (16.04), yakkety (16.10), and zesty (17.04)
are in the Launchpad PPA

Packages for SLES 12 and OpenSuSE Leap42.2 are in the OpenSuSE Build
Service repos.

I checked CentOS and see that Niels has already done builds. Watch for
an update on the CentOS Storage SIG from him.

The .../3.10/LATEST, .../LTM-3.10, and .../LATEST symlinks have been
updated to point to .../3.10/3.10.2 on download.gluster.org.


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