On 08/30/2017 02:22 PM, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY wrote:
On 08/30/2017 08:47 AM, Gluster Build System wrote:

SRC: http://bits.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/src/glusterfs-3.12.0.tar.gz

This release is made off v3.12.0

Packages for:

* Fedora 27 and 28 are in the Fedora Updates or Updates-Testing repo.
Use `dnf` to install. Fedora 25 and 26 are on download.gluster.org at [1]

* Debian Jessie/8, Stretch/9, and Buster(Sid)/10 are on
download.gluster.org at [1]

* Ubuntu Xenial/16.04, Zesty/17.04, and Artful/17.10 are on Launchpad at [2]

* SuSE SLES12SP3 and Leap42.3 are on OpenSuSE Build Service at [3].

* RHEL/CentOS el6 and el7 are in CentOS Storage SIG staging at [4].
Please test and give feedback on #gluster-devel on freenode or the
gluster-devel mailing list so they can be moved to the staging area.

Tested on CentOS 7, both client and server packages install fine, and basic gluster volume creation and adding data to the volume works fine.

We can consider this tested and hence moved out of the staging area.

The .../LATEST -> .../3.12/3.12.0 symlink has been updated. The
.../LTM-3.12 -> .../3.12/3.12.0 and .../3.12/LATEST -> .../3.12/3.12.0
symlinks have been created.

Note: GlusterFS-3.12.x packages (.rpms and .debs) on
download.gluster.org are signed with a new signing key, at [5].

Reminder Number One: With the release of GlusterFS-3.12, GlusterFS-3.8
(LTM) and GlusterFS-3.11 (STM) have reached EOL. Except for serious
security issues no further updates to these versions are forthcoming. If
you find a bug please see if you can reproduce it with 3.10 or 3.12 and
file a BZ if appropriate.

Reminder Number Two: Since GlusterFS 3.9 the Fedora RPM and Debian .deb
public signing key is, e.g., for 3.12, at
https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/3.12/rsa.pub. If you
have an old /etc/yum.repos.d/glusterfs-fedora.repo file with a link to
https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/LATEST/rsa.pub then
you need to fix your .repo
file to point to the correct location of the public key. This is a
safety feature to help prevent unintended updates, e.g., from 3.11 to 3.12.

[1] https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/3.12/
[2] https://launchpad.net/~gluster/+archive/ubuntu/glusterfs-3.12
[3] https://build.opensuse.org/project/subprojects/home:glusterfs
[4] https://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/{6,7}/storage/$arch/gluster-3.12
[5] https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/3.12/rsa.pub

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