On 02/02/2018 01:08 PM, Shyam Ranganathan wrote:
On 01/31/2018 09:28 AM, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY wrote:
On 01/30/2018 02:08 PM, jenk...@build.gluster.org wrote:

This release is made off jenkins-release-39
Packages for:

* Fedora 27 are on download.gluster.org at [1]. Fedora 26 are in the
Fedora Updates or Updates-Testing repo. Use `dnf` to install. (Fedora 28
will come later, or possibly not at all due to libtirpc and rpcgen changes.)

* Debian Jessie/8, Stretch/9, and Buster/10(Sid) are on
download.gluster.org at [1]

* Ubuntu Trusty/14.04, Xenial/16.04, Artful/17.10, and Bionic/18.04 are
on Launchpad at [2]

* SuSE SLES12SP3 and Leap42.3 are on OpenSuSE Build Service at [3].

* RHEL/CentOS el6 and el7 are built in CentOS Storage SIG and tagged for
testing, but they have not appeared at [4] at the time of this writing.
In the mean time they can be downloaded from [5]. Please test and give
feedback on #gluster-devel on freenode or the gluster-devel mailing list
so they can be tagged for release.

I tested the packages here. Also, tested an upgrade form .9 to .10 (from
a package standpoint). Things look good, and packages can be marked for

Packages have been tagged for release. They should appear on the mirrors shortly.



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