Hello guys:

I have a doubt. What's the currently recommended or supported way of
provisioning Windows with ansible on EC2?

I mean, there's a Ansible connection plugin for Packer that must be created
(downloaded or installed) before attempting to use a code like this:

"provisioners": [
        "type": "*ansible*",
        "playbook_file": "../playbooks/windows_image_build/playbook.yml",

        "extra_arguments": [
          "--extra-vars", "{'environment_name': 'packer',
'hosting_environment': 'aws',* 'connection': 'packer'*}",
          "--skip-tags", "gitchecks",
          "--skip-tags", "gather_facts",
          "--skip-tags", "slack"

The other way I had in mind is running ansible with shell-local, like this:

    "provisioners": [
            "type": "*shell-local*",
            "inline":   [
                "ansible-playbook -i {{ user `os_ipaddr` }}, \\",
                "-e ansible_user='{{ user `os_adminuser` }}' \\",
                "-e ansible_password='{{ user `os_adminpass` }}' \\",
                "-e os_update='{{ user `os_update` }}' \\",
                "-e os_firstinstall={{ user `os_firstinstall`}} \\",
                "{{ user `ansible_playbook` }}"

(please ignore my custom vars)

I'm not sure how to setup my connection plugin for ansible 2.8.x. Any ideas
on this?

Otherwise, do you know how can I get the public IPv4 and password for my
recently created Windows EC2 instance? I'm not sure if {{.WinRMPassword}}
variable is valid here.

Hope someone can give me some guidance.

Thanks in advance

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