Stupid question: my test template { "variables": { "ssh_name" : "bubba", "ssh_pass" : "supersecret", "hostname": "testcentos", [...] },
"builders": [ { "type": "vmware-iso", "guest_os_type" : "{{user `guest_os`}}", "iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}", "iso_checksum_url": "{{user `iso_checksum_url`}}", "ssh_username" : "{{user `ssh_name`}}", "ssh_password" : "{{user `ssh_pass`}}", "ssh_port": 22, "ssh_timeout": "1000s", "headless": "TRUE", "disk_size": "10240", "disk_type_id": "thin", "vmdk_name": "test", "vmx_data" : { "memsize": "1024", "cpuid.coresPerSocket": "1", "numvcpus": "1", "ethernet0.networkName": "LAN", "ethernet0.present": "TRUE", "ethernet0.startConnected": "TRUE", "ethernet0.virtualDev": "e1000", "ethernet0.addressType": "generated", "ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset": "0", "ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv": "FALSE" }, "vnc_port_min": 5900, "vnc_port_max": 5999, "vnc_disable_password": true, "remote_type": "esx5", "remote_host": "{{user `vm_hostname`}}", "remote_datastore": "{{user `vm_disk`}}", "remote_username": "{{user `vm_admin`}}", "remote_password": "{{user `vm_pw`}}", "boot_command": [ "<tab> text ks=http://{{ user `kickstart_ip` }}:{{ user `kickstart_port` }}/ks.cfg <enter><return><wait5>" ], "boot_wait": "8s", "shutdown_command": "echo {{user `ssh_pass`}} | sudo -S shutdown -P -h now" } ] } which is nothing special. When I unleash it, vm is created and run. I can even login to it from console. And then it destroys itself. Why? Because I have a shutdown command on it? I am trying to understand what I can get out of packer: a running machine and/or a vm image I can then deploy later? -- This mailing list is governed under the HashiCorp Community Guidelines - Behavior in violation of those guidelines may result in your removal from this mailing list. GitHub Issues: IRC: #packer-tool on Freenode --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Packer" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit