Hi Louis,

Well, that is some serious concealment right there:)

I am sorry - I guess my comprehension skills could use some improvement. I
admit that much:)

OK, I got the latest devel code, installed it per your procedure. It all
worked like a charm up until I actually attempted to launch it when I got
the following error messages (see at the bottom).

Meanwhile, the web-based configurator once again fails to see the processes
running, even httpd.admin, which makes no sense. As for the PID files we
got the following:

[root@pf1 run]# ls /usr/local/pf/var/run/*.pid
/usr/local/pf/var/run/httpd.aaa.pid     /usr/local/pf/var/run/iptables.pid
[root@pf1 run]#

The processes seem to be running too.



[root@pf1 ~]# service packetfence restart
Restarting PacketFence...service|command
carbon-cache|already stopped
carbon-relay|already stopped
collectd|already stopped
dhcpd|already stopped
haproxy|already stopped
httpd.aaa|already stopped
httpd.graphite|already stopped
httpd.portal|already stopped
httpd.proxy|already stopped
httpd.webservices|already stopped
iptables|already stopped
pfbandwidthd|already stopped
pfdetect|already stopped
pfdns|already stopped
pfmon|already stopped
pfsetvlan|already stopped
radiusd|already stopped
radsniff3|already stopped
snmptrapd|already stopped
snort|already stopped
statsd|already stopped
suricata|already stopped
keepalived|already stopped
Could not write namespace config::AdminRoles to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::ApacheFilters to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Authentication to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::authentication_lookup to L2 cache !
This is
Could not write namespace resource::authentication_sources to L2 cache !
This is
Could not write namespace config::Profiles to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::guest_self_registration to L2 cache !
This i
                              s bad.
Could not write namespace config::Cluster to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::PfDefault to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Documentation to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Pf to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::CaptivePortal to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::Database to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::fqdn to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::listen_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::dhcplistener_ints to L2 cache ! This
is ba
Could not write namespace interfaces::ha_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::internal_nets to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace interfaces::inline_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
                             is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::vlan_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
This i
                              s bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::monitor_int to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::management_network to L2 cache ! This
is b
Could not write namespace interfaces::portal_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::cluster_servers to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace resource::cluster_hosts to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Documentation to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Domain to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Firewall_SSO to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::FloatingDevices to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Network to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::listen_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::dhcplistener_ints to L2 cache ! This
is ba
Could not write namespace interfaces::ha_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::internal_nets to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace interfaces::inline_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
                             is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::vlan_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
This i
                              s bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::monitor_int to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::management_network to L2 cache ! This
is b
Could not write namespace interfaces::portal_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::PKI_Provider to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Pf to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::CaptivePortal to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::Database to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::fqdn to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::listen_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::dhcplistener_ints to L2 cache ! This
is ba
Could not write namespace interfaces::ha_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::internal_nets to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace interfaces::inline_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
                             is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::vlan_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
This i
                              s bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::monitor_int to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::management_network to L2 cache ! This
is b
Could not write namespace interfaces::portal_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::PfDefault to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Pf to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::CaptivePortal to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::Database to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::fqdn to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::listen_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::dhcplistener_ints to L2 cache ! This
is ba
Could not write namespace interfaces::ha_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::internal_nets to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace interfaces::inline_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
                             is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::vlan_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
This i
                              s bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::monitor_int to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::management_network to L2 cache ! This
is b
Could not write namespace interfaces::portal_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Profiles to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::Profile_Filters to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace config::Provisioning to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Realm to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Scan to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Switch to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::default_switch to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace resource::switches_ranges to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace config::Violations to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::VlanFilters to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Wmi to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::listen_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::dhcplistener_ints to L2 cache ! This
is ba
Could not write namespace interfaces::ha_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::internal_nets to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace interfaces::inline_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
                             is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::vlan_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
This i
                              s bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::monitor_int to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::management_network to L2 cache ! This
is b
Could not write namespace interfaces::portal_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::dhcplistener_ints to L2 cache ! This
is ba
Could not write namespace interfaces::ha_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::inline_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
                             is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::inline_nets to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::internal_nets to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace interfaces::listen_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::management_network to L2 cache ! This
is b
Could not write namespace interfaces::monitor_int to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::portal_ints to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::routed_isolation_nets to L2 cache !
This i
                              s bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::routed_registration_nets to L2 cache
! Thi
                            s is bad.
Could not write namespace interfaces::vlan_enforcement_nets to L2 cache !
This i
                              s bad.
Could not write namespace resource::CaptivePortal to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::Database to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::Profile_Filters to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace resource::array_test to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::authentication_lookup to L2 cache !
This is
Could not write namespace resource::authentication_sources to L2 cache !
This is
Could not write namespace resource::cluster_hosts to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::cluster_servers to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace resource::default_switch to L2 cache ! This is
Could not write namespace resource::fqdn to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::guest_self_registration to L2 cache !
This i
                              s bad.
Could not write namespace resource::reverse_fqdn to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace resource::switches_ranges to L2 cache ! This is
httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain
name, us
                                ing for ServerName
Checking configuration sanity...
Could not write namespace config::PfDefault to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Documentation to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Cluster to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::PfDefault to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Documentation to L2 cache ! This is bad.
Could not write namespace config::Cluster to L2 cache ! This is bad.
unable to connect to database: Access denied for user 'pf'@'localhost'
(using pa
                                ssword: YES) at /usr/local/pf/lib/pf/
version.pm line 42


On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 1:44 PM, Louis Munro <lmu...@inverse.ca> wrote:

> Hi Boris,
> Try this:
> rpm -Uvh http://packetfence.org/downloads/PacketFence/RHEL6/`uname
> -i`/RPMS/ packetfence-release-1-2.centos6.noarch.rpm
> It’s well hidden, all the way in the official documentation ;-)
> Regards,
> --
> Louis Munro
> lmu...@inverse.ca  ::  www.inverse.ca
> +1.514.447.4918 x125  :: +1 (866) 353-6153 x125
> Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence (
> www.packetfence.org)
> On Jul 9, 2015, at 13:42 , Boris Epstein <borepst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Louis,
> I am sorry, I must be missing something - but where is that 
> packetfence-release
> package?
> Thanks.
> Boris.
> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:46 PM, Louis Munro <lmu...@inverse.ca> wrote:
>> In the packetfence-release package.
>> It’s not enabled by default, which is why you need to call yum
>> —enablerepo=packetfence-devel.
>> Regards,
>> —
>> Louis Munro
>> lmu...@inverse.ca  ::  www.inverse.ca
>> +1.514.447.4918 x125  :: +1 (866) 353-6153 x125
>> Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence (
>> www.packetfence.org)
>> On Jul 8, 2015, at 15:09 , Boris Epstein <borepst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Louis,
>> Thanks! Trying it right now. Where's the config for the packetfence-devel
>> repository?
>> Cheers,
>> Boris.
>> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Louis Munro <lmu...@inverse.ca> wrote:
>>> Hi Boris,
>>> I am unsure how you installed the devel branch.
>>> Here is my recipe:
>>> First configure the packetfence repository normally.
>>> Then install the most recent development build like this:
>>> yum install packetfence  --enablerepo=packetfence-devel
>>> This will ensure you have the most recent set of dependencies.
>>> Then move aside the /usr/local/pf directory and clone the github repo in
>>> it’s place (either calling it directly pf or just renaming the directory
>>> after the fact).
>>> cd /usr/local/
>>> git clone yourpfforkhere pf
>>> Then run make devel in the new pf directory.
>>> At the moment, the devel build may have bugs but it should install.
>>> We are working on 5.3 which should be out soon.
>>> Make sur you regularly fetch updates to devel as it is a moving target.
>>> I am running devel without pid issues at the moment.
>>> Regards,
>>> --
>>> Louis Munro
>>> lmu...@inverse.ca  ::  www.inverse.ca
>>> +1.514.447.4918 x125  :: +1 (866) 353-6153 x125
>>> Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence (
>>> www.packetfence.org)
>>> On Jul 7, 2015, at 17:23 , Boris Epstein <borepst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Just did that. Stopped PF. All processes stopped, all .pid files
>>> disappeared save for pfconfig.pid. Killed that one manually.
>>> Started the PF up. Same behaviour as before. Sadly, the problem has not
>>> been resolved.
>>> Boris.
>>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 5:15 PM, Louis Munro <lmu...@inverse.ca> wrote:
>>>> I would try stopping all services/processes, then deleting all pid
>>>> files, then restarting the services.
>>>> See if that helps.
>>>> --
>>>> Louis Munro
>>>> lmu...@inverse.ca  ::  www.inverse.ca
>>>> +1.514.447.4918 x125  :: +1 (866) 353-6153 x125
>>>> Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence (
>>>> www.packetfence.org)
>>>> On Jul 7, 2015, at 17:02 , Boris Epstein <borepst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Louis,
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> There's a whole bunch of .pid files
>>>> under /usr/local/packetfence/var/run/
>>>> I looked at the content of a few random ones and the PID's in the files
>>>> match those of the actual running processes so at thefirst glance it would
>>>> appear to be OK.
>>>> Boris.
>>>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 4:53 PM, Louis Munro <lmu...@inverse.ca> wrote:
>>>>> PID files!
>>>>> Check in var/run to see if there are any pidfiles for said processes.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Louis Munro
>>>>> lmu...@inverse.ca  ::  www.inverse.ca
>>>>> +1.514.447.4918 x125  :: +1 (866) 353-6153 x125
>>>>> Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence (
>>>>> www.packetfence.org)
>>>>> On Jul 7, 2015, at 16:33 , Boris Epstein <borepst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> If my pfcmd starts the processes OK (seemingly; at least they run) but
>>>>> the status in the web interface (on port 1443)  indicates all of them,
>>>>> including pfcmon and httpd.admin as being down, I presume it is some sort
>>>>> of the status reporting/IPC issue. What is the IPC mechanism involved?
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