The Inverse team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of 
PacketFence v12.0. This is a major release with new features, enhancements and 
bug fixes. This release is considered ready for production use and upgrading 
from previous versions is strongly advised.
What is PacketFence?
PacketFence is a fully supported, trusted, Free and Open Source Network Access 
Control (NAC) solution. Boasting an impressive feature set, PacketFence can be 
used to effectively secure small to very large heterogeneous networks.

Among the features provided by PacketFence, there are:
powerful BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) capabilities
multiple enforcement methods including Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and 
built-in network behaviour anomaly detection
state-of-the art devices identification with Fingerbank
compliance checks for endpoints present on your network
integration with various vulnerability scanners, intrusion detection solutions, 
security agents and firewalls
bandwidth accounting for all devices
A complete overview of the solution is available from the official website:
Changes Since Previous Release
New Features
New assets, communications and threats visualizations
Containerization of most PacketFence services
New pfconnector service to connect remote locations to a central or cloud 
PacketFence server
Support for role-based enforcement on Meraki wired devices (#7000)
Support to split database read and writes to different MySQL servers (#7055)
Support for distributed database reads in cluster using ProxySQL
Initial Linode IaaS and PacketFence Connector documentation (#7152)
Unified service store module allowing control of both local and cluster members 
Sign a CSR from the PacketFence PKI
Added ability to use the MariaDB database or Redis to store the api-frontend 
Adjust logs for containerized and non-containerized services (#7043)
Allow to enabled/disable processing bandwidth accounting (#6934)
Sophos VPN support
Automatically display mandatory fields in email/sponsor activation emails 
Detect CLI access from Dell N1500 switches (#7070)
Deprecate /api/v1/config/fixpermissions and /api/v1/config/checkup
Update monit email (#7012)
Monit sender address configurable from the admin GUI
Full UTF-8 support in the PacketFence database
Added MySQL compatibility
Added CSV import to switch groups
Simplify cluster upgrades (#7180)
Bug Fixes
Only provide the unregdate action if access_duration is not defined for the 
local source (#6925)
Clone switch template with correct ID (#6941)
Add time to the available template switch variables (#6952)
Only trigger the node discover security event in the context of RADIUS and 
pfdhcplistener (#4987)
Use TLS 1.2 to communicate with Intune servers (#7021)
Align Apache timeout with captive_portal.request_timeout (#7037)
Return VIP in DHCP requests if dns_on_vip_only is enabled (#7035)
Replace LF by CRLF at end of emails sent by PacketFence (SMS email has "Bare 
Line Feed Characters" Status code: 550 5.6.11 #5380)
The User-Name value in an EAP-TTLS PAP reply will always be the identity of the 
inner-tunnel (#7017)
Multi-line entries in "Role by access list" are returned as a string (#6791)
Respect the time of the expiration date of the password (#7003)
Monitoring scripting key is not installed correctly when performing an ISO 
installation (#6965)
Set the database location to the system Local timezone (golang)
Add missing translations to the captival portal
Fix Trapeze Deauth issue
Fix the wrong encoding of special char in the REST call to PacketFence (use 
See for 
the complete change log.

See the Upgrade guide for notes about upgrading:
Getting PacketFence
PacketFence is free software and is distributed under the GNU GPL. As such, you 
are free to download and try it by either getting the new release or by getting 
the sources:

Documentation about the installation and configuration of PacketFence is also 
How Can I Help?
PacketFence is a collaborative effort in order to create the best Free and Open 
Source NAC solution. There are multiple ways you can contribute to the project:
Documentation reviews, enhancements and translations
Feature requests or by sharing your ideas
Participate in the discussion on mailing lists 
Patches for bugs or enhancements
Provide new translations of remediation pages
Getting Support
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by writing to

You can also fill our online form ( and a 
representative from Inverse will contact you.

Inverse offers professional services to organizations willing to secure their 
wired and wireless networks with the PacketFence solution.


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