Hi Enrique,

Yes, switching to the legacy interface, we can see the Radius CoA (Beta for
ages hehehe) in the SSID as soon as you enable the Radius option. However,
even if you enable this feature on Unifi Controller, the issue "Can't login
on the Unifi controller: 404 Not Found '' is still there. Consequently, the
device which is trying to go out to the internet is still stuck inside of
the portal.

In other words, even with CoA on from Unifi, the deauthentication doesn't
work. At that point, pf tries to send a command to the Unifi Controller but
it doesn't respond.

Also, I've tried to do with all the methods of deauthentication in pf
available instead and none of them has worked either with the latest
firmware stable in Unifi Controller or Network software. I was putting my
faith in Radius deauthentication in pf to see if that works too with web
auth enabled as we know Radius works in Unifi but it still shows the same
error yet.

It's kind frustrating tbh :/

I hope someday any dev from pf / unifi could help us with that.

I think many people are looking forward to that ^^

On Fri, 16 Feb 2024, 08:17 Enrique Gross via PacketFence-users, <
packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

> Hi Mike, Hi Lucas
> I have read somewhere that there were issues with web authentication
> and Unifi appliances like UDM. I remember configuring web auth but I
> now use RADIUS CoA and it works well. I admit I'm a few versions
> behind on my Unifi controller, and this double UI issue is kind of a
> headache. But the CoA option is still there on the UI on Unifi
> controller 8.X when you switch to the old one, does the config don't
> provision anymore?
> Enrique
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