Hi Dave,
can you try this ?


Le 2013-05-23 04:57, David Watt a écrit :
Hello folks,
We're in the midst of a large(many instances) PF deployment and have been having some fun with process control. We find that the PIDs written out to /usr/local/pf/var/run are not being properly updated, resulting in confusion when managing services. It primarily manifests itself with the message "httpd.admin|already running"
and the web admin instance never firing up.
This typically happens on server reboot(I'll keep an eye on it to see if it's breaking during normal service restarts, although i suspect(nay, hope) not). While a server reboot shouldn't ordinarily occur too often, the machines are virtual and distributed across a huge geographic area, whereupon they will be at the mercy of the grubby mitts of level 1 and 2 technicians who have access to the hypervisors for some stupid reason. These machines have to be as resilient as possible, seeing as they'll eventually be controlling the access layer for a couple of hundred thousand users.

While we await the recurrence of an incorrect PID when managing processes, we've alleviated the existing problem we see during reboots by linking /usr/local/pf/var/run to /dev/shm.

Just wondering if anyone else has come across this, or if it's something peculiar to our build?

I'll dive a bit deeper should this rear its head again and see if i can track down the root cause.



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