
Maybe my comments will be biased, but:

First at all this is my first usage of this mail-list, so sorry if I'm not in the correct section.

It is :)

I'm a french student in network & telecommunications, and as a part of my end-of-studies work placement, I need to deploy an AAA architecture in a big company (1500 end devices)

1500 devices is small compared to many deployment PF is driving.

Since our network is composed of 95% of Cisco devices, my boss told me to deploy the Cisco ISE software. However, I've recently heard about PacketFence which seems to offer the same features for free. Even if my boss is a Cisco fan, I'd like to study this case seriously because I really enjoy open source projects.

So here's my question : If you know a bit about ISE, what are the advantages and drawbacks of choosing PacketFence instead of this Cisco software ? Is there anything one can do and the other cannot ?

I don't have all the details about ISE except the ridiculous pricing model. It will cost you a lot for features that you may not even use. In fact, PF competes very well. I know some of huge (15000 users+) PF users kicked out ISE for PF to save money, and gain flexibility with their NAC system. Since PF handles AAA very well with Cisco devices, I don't see any reason why your boss won't consider PF. If his concern is lack of support, well he is wrong. You can have some very good support provided by Inverse.

Hope it helps!

Thank you for your further answers.

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Francois Gaudreault
Architecte de Solution Cloud | Cloud Solutions Architect
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420 rue Guy
Montréal QC  H3J 1S6

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