OK, after analysing some radius debug logs it looks like packetfence is being 
called from the post-auth section of the sites-enabled/packetfence server:
post-auth {
         if (!EAP-Type || (EAP-Type != 21 && EAP-Type != 25)|| (User-Name =~ 
/^.*\@.+/ && User-Name !~ /^.*\@cardiffmet.ac.uk/)|| (User-Name =~ /^.*\@.+/ && 
User-Name !~ /^.*\@uwic.ac.uk/)) {

        Post-Auth-Type REJECT {

I put this in, so that the visiting users (users from other organisations at 
our university) would have their devices automatically registered in 
packetfence. If I comment out the above section our users at remote 
institutions now authenticate, but visiting users don't show up in the 

Looks like I need to tweak the above code somehow.

Any suggestions?


From: Morris, Andi [mailto:amor...@cardiffmet.ac.uk]
Sent: 17 July 2014 09:33
To: packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [PacketFence-users] eduroam home users being processed by packetfence

I have a packetfence setup, version 4.2.2, which is configured to proxy 
visiting users out to our eduroam ORPS servers, and process local users here. 
This is all working well and we have a record of what users are on the wireless 
on our campus. However, there's an issue with our users connecting in from 
other institutions, where it looks like Packetfence is rejecting the radius 
request because it doesn't know about the switch.

I have the setup as per the admin guide. My orps servers are declared in my 
clients.conf file with shortnames configured:
client orpsserver1.internal {
ipaddr =
secret = *****
shortname = orps01
client orpsserver2.internal {
ipaddr =
secret = ****
shortname = orps02

And I have packetfence-tunnel configured to skip packetfence if the request 
comes from the orps servers:
post-auth {
         # we skip packetfence when the request is coming from the eduroam 
                 if ( "%{client:shortname}" != "orps01" && \
                         "%{client:shortname}" != "orps02" ) {
         Post-Auth-Type REJECT {

However I'm seeing the following in my radius logs when home users try to 
connect in from outside:
Wed Jul 16 16:21:41 2014 : Auth: Login OK: [sm12...@cardiffmet.ac.uk] (from 
client orps01 port 0 cli cc-fa-00-f4-4a-c3 via TLS tunnel)
Wed Jul 16 16:21:41 2014 : Auth: Login OK: [sm12...@cardiffmet.ac.uk] (from 
client orps01 port 0 cli cc-fa-00-f4-4a-c3)
Wed Jul 16 16:21:41 2014 : Info: rlm_perl: request from cc:fa:00:f4:4a:c3 port  
was not accepted but a proper error code was provided. Check server side logs 
for details

The eduroam test site shows the following log entries for remote requests:
Jul 16 15:10:11 radiator: INFO: Access rejected for 
sm18...@cardiffmet.ac.uk<mailto:sm18...@cardiffmet.ac.uk>: Switch is not 
managed by PacketFence

Packetfence.log shows:
Jul 16 15:46:12 httpd.webservices(29980) WARN: Request type was not set. There 
is a problem with the NAS, your radius config or rlm_perl packetfence.pm 
FreeRADIUS module. (pf::Switch::_identifyConnectionType)
Jul 16 15:46:12 httpd.webservices(29980) INFO: We decided not to act on this 
radius call. Stop handling request from (pf::radius::authorize)

Should I be declaring localhost as a known switch, or should I be bypassing 
packetfence for remote radius requests in a different way?

Andi Morris
IT Security Officer
Cardiff Metropolitan University
T: 02920 205720
E: amor...@cardiffmet.ac.uk<mailto:amor...@cardiffmet.ac.uk>

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