
I'm a bit stuck.  For a openday here on campus for prospective students,
(using packetfence 4.7.0) marketing wants visting students to have wifi
internet access on the day in return for some extra data gathered via a
custom portal page.
-- this might be important? I'm not using the default portal, but a custom
one specific for the day.

This is fine. Portal submit + dynamic vlan switch on valid auth  + dhcp +
dynamic deregister in the gui for bad clients works brilliantly. So
brilliantly in fact, I'm going to replace our other radius + eduroam
connection handling and NPS wired switch auth backend with it.

Where I'm stuck: I'm trying to store extra data from the portal page into
the database so that we can give it to marketing to do after-the-event
marketing to students.

If I add something like this to Portal Profiles and
Pages/openday/Files/guest.html:  (a contrived example, cough)

            <input class="field" name="custom_field_1"
type="custom_field_1" value="" /><br/>

The field pops up on the portal page, I can add data, and mash the register
button, and then the custom_field_1 data goes into a black hole somewhere.
  I can see the page submitting the data via the post request.

If I cause the page to not submit by not having all the mandatory fields
filled, the custom_field_1 field doesn't include the submitted data in the
result page, but the firstname field does.

If I extend the mandatory field list to include custom_field_1, then it
will show a warning if it does not contain data, but still won't send the
submitted data back on the "Missing mandatory parameter(s)" result page.

I see the other data in the form being added to the database, (after
enabling TRACE) in the logging files:

==> logs/packetfence.log <==
attempt #0 to run query person_add_sql from module person
SQL statement (person_add_sql):  INSERT INTO person
                   (pid, firstname, lastname, email, telephone, company,
address, notes, sponsor, anniversary,
                    birthday, gender, lang, nickname, cell_phone,
work_phone, title,
                    building_number, apartment_number, room_number,
                    custom_field_1, custom_field_2, custom_field_3,
custom_field_4, custom_field_5,
                    custom_field_6, custom_field_7, custom_field_8,
custom_field_9, portal, source)
SQL params (person_add_sql): emailaddr...@gmail.com, first3, last3,
emailaddr...@gmail.com, 033333333, org3, <null>, email activation. Date of
arrival: 2015-05-07 12:45:41, <null>, <null>, <null>, <null>, <null>,
<null>, <null>, <null>, <null>, <null>, <null>, <null>, <null>, <null>,
<null>, <null>, <null>, <null>, <null>, <null>, <null>, openday, email
person emailaddr...@gmail.com added

This is using the email source as it appears to captures more data, not the
null provisioner. - it also causes the guest.html section of the portal to
be used, rather than the login.html pages. I don't quite understand that
mapping, either.

Any help would be much appreciated,

Thanks in advance.

David Murrell

Systems Engineer - Linux
ITS Infrastructure
University of Waikato, NZ

Other files that may be of use:

[root@pktfence-guest pf]# cat conf/provisioning.conf
description=accept provisioner

filter=ssid:Open Day
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