Silly question.  Did you configure the DHCP helper on your Cisco
switch(es)?  This would certainly explain why your dhcplistener logs
DHCP packets clients on the registration VLAN (local interface), but
cannot hear their DHCP once they switch VLAN (needs Cisco helper to
forward DHCP packets to PF)...


Arthur Emerson III                 Email:<>
Network Administrator              InterNIC:   AE81
Mount Saint Mary College           MaBell:     (845) 561-0800 Ext. 3109
330 Powell Ave.                    Fax:        (845) 562-6762
Newburgh, NY  12550                SneakerNet: Aquinas Hall Room 008-A

On Nov 19, 2015, at 8:34 AM, Josep M. Torné 
<<>> wrote:


Anyone has tried this configuration and got it to work?
Listening to DHCP traffic through VLAN interface configured 
/usr/local/pf/conf/pf.conf as “type=dhcp-listener”?

At this point, I have packetfence running an assigning VLANs correctly based on 
MACs (not 802.1x) on Cisco switches.
BUT once the VLAN is assigned to the client, I can’t keep track of assigned IP 
That’s the missing part to get this to work.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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