Hello Yan,

Le 2018-01-31 ?? 00:28, Yan a ??crit?0?2:
> Hi dear users,
> After a whole night??s analysis, we found it??s pf that takes too much
> time processing authentication request if the QPS is too high and
> hangs all radius requests later and then Aruba AC meets the radius
> timeout setting and re-sends the same radius access request to pf
> while pf just sent out the first radius accept packet and then
> received the same request, it will response accept for a second time
> and then delete the state id, but Aruba AC might has waited for
> another 5 seconds and send a radius request for a third time, and this
> time pf find no state id match this session and just response
> reject...And then more and more reject responses will cause user
> re-connect wireless and the QPS is much more...It's bad circle...
> We find pf has below bottlenecks at least to lead to the hang issue:
> 1.Mysql query is too slow.
Most of the times it's because you receive too many accounting packet
(try to disable it) or because there too many IO.
> 2."curl" keeps calling httpd service and it's very slow.
Where do you see curl ?, Freeradius use the rest module to talk to the
> 3."doperl" is too slow.
Not really, it depend how you configured PacketFence, let's say you have
a ldap source but it take 600ms to do a search then the radius answer
will be slow.
> 4."ntlm_auth" process is too slow.
Because probably the AD is too slow to answer, btw you can use the NTLM
cache for that.
> ?0?2
> 5.A device will try to connect again if radiusd crashes or restarted
> or meets its max requests

> But we don't find which configuration will solve this issue yet. Is
> there any suggestion on how to change configuration to handle this
> performance issue ? Or any basic directions on how to adjust the
> parameters to handle 200 QPS,500 QPS and 2000 QPS ?
We have setup that handle millions of request per day and without any
issues, check the graph like radius latency and also have a look at
http://mgmt_ip:9000 and try to find where it take time.
Btw if you want to us to check your setup, you can ask for a support
with inverse and it will be a pleasure to help you.

> Any response is appreciated. Thank you very very much.

Fabrice Durand
fdur...@inverse.ca ::  +1.514.447.4918 (x135) ::  www.inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence 

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