Hello Xav,

When you say bind , you mean join PacketFence to the domain ?

Also what is your management interface and what is returned by : ip
route get



Le 2018-04-18 à 03:39, Xav Tauran via PacketFence-users a écrit :
> Hello, 
> I made a mock-up to set up Packet Fence for a company. In attached,
> you will find a drawing to my mock-up with the differents subnets, and
> VLAN configured on Packet Fence. I use a Stomrshield Firewall, and a
> Cisco Switch which run on GNS3. 
> My Active Directory Server is on the subnet
> <> and Packet Fence, installed on a virtual
> machine's Centos 7 (run under VMWARE), is on the subnet
> <>. 
> Every devices may to reach with a ping. 
> My problem is when I want to bind Packet Fence to my Active Directory
> from the graphic interface. I have the same problem that this person,
> who has already posted a message on the support. (check
> on https://sourceforge.net/p/packetfence/mailman/message/36009451/
> <https://sourceforge.net/p/packetfence/mailman/message/36009451/>) But
> the solution that the person give her, doesn't work for me... However
> I follow 
> the instructions that this person gave him
> Can you help me please? :) I will give you, all the informations that
> you need !
> Ps : Sorry for my english i'm French
> Thank you.
> Kind regards,
> Xavier TAURAN 
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Fabrice Durand
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