Hello Cristian,

you don't have to allow the portal ip for the registration and isolation vlan.

Can you share your pf.conf and networks.conf and /usr/local/pf/var/conf/pfdns.conf


Le 2018-05-02 à 12:25, Cristian Mammoli via PacketFence-users a écrit :
Ok, then I have a problem:

I created a dns record for nac.apra.it on my corporate dns server that points to the portal interface (nac.apra.it is general.hostname+general.domain in pf.conf)

But even from an unregistered device pfdns resolves with this ip address instead of replying with its own ip in the registration o isolation vlan

I had to add an iptables rule to allow reaching the portal interface ip address from the isolation and registration vlan.

Of course the dns server passed to the clients in those vlan is packetfence (default configuration)

I tried deleting the portal interface and remove the A record from my corporate DNS server but them pfdns answers with NXDOMAIN when queried from an unregistered device.

In 7.4 this configuration worked (I erroneously thought that the portal interface was required but probably it wasn't used at all)

This is my pfdns.conf:

Display all 147 possibilities? (y or n)
[root@srvpf addons]# cat /usr/local/pf/conf/pfdns.conf
.:54 {
[% domain %]

proxy . /etc/resolv.conf

# all other domains are subject to interception
:53 {
    pfdns {
    # Anything not handled by pfdns will be resolved normally
[% domain %]
[% inline %]

    # Default to system resolv.conf file
    proxy . /etc/resolv.conf
    log stdout

resolv.conf contains my corp dns servers



Il 30/04/2018 14:59, Fabrice Durand via PacketFence-users ha scritto:
Hello Cristian,

pfdns is suppose to resolv the portal fqdn if the device is unreg or if
there is a violation.

Also if there is a passthrough that match the portal fqdn name then it
will forward the request to another server.

Portal interface is just an interface with the portal on it, it
generally use for web auth.

Le 2018-04-27 à 09:34, Cristian Mammoli via PacketFence-users a écrit :
Hi, isn't pfdns supposed to resolve the portal FQDN from isolation and
registration vlan? I'm using 8.0

ATM for me isn't working:

My pf.conf is:

# general.domain
# Domain name of PacketFence system.
# general.hostname
# Hostname of PacketFence system.  This is concatenated with the
domain in Apache rewriting rules and therefore must be resolvable by

But the requests for "nac.apra.it" are forwarded upstream.

Btw, whats the network interface type "portal" for? Are the client
supposed to reach this interface for the portal? Is it mandatory?




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*Cristian Mammoli*
System Administrator

T.  +39 0731 719822
www.apra.it <http://www.apra.it>



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