What I want to do is to use PacketFence Captive Portal for the below case:

WirelessGuests ==> firewall/router ==> Internet ==> PacketFence (for
CaptivePortal) ==> Internet

I want to forward all traffic through the Firewall to reach PacketFence *by
Internet*, force login (social login), then give access to internet.

Is it possible to use PacketFence to control internet access if it is not
directly connect to the private network?

I mean, all incoming traffic will come from the same IP Address. Thus, how
will PacketFence control internet access?

Do I need a VPN in order to expose IP Address or MAC address to PacketFence?

Annibal Hoeschl Abreu
+55 (48) 3879.1652
+55 (48) 988.284.491
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