Hello !

Sorry I wanna ask u again ; I created  a user in packetfence and I want to
access but it show me :
account has used all of its available logins

What thats mean

Le mer. 30 mai 2018 11:07 AM, hajar benjat <hajarben...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Oh thank u so much
> Le mer. 30 mai 2018 1:17 AM, Durand fabrice via PacketFence-users <
> packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> a écrit :
>> Hello Hajar,
>> delete from node where mac="08:00:27:46:10:2e";
>> Regards
>> Fabrice
>> Le 2018-05-29 à 20:34, hajar benjat via PacketFence-users a écrit :
>> Hello
>> I need to do many tests but I couldn't delete the node ... how I can do ?
>> Btw I used
>> delete mac from node where mac ='08:00:27:46:10:2e';
>> But it give me an error 1109 (42S02): uknown table 'mac' in MULTI DELETE
>> What I have to do now ?
>> Cordially
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