
We're currently trying to add AD authentication on our PacketFence
environment. We've joined the server to the domain and added it as DEFAULT
and NULL realms. We also added it in Authentication Sources as "AD".
But whenever an user tries to authenticate against the AD, the following
error is thrown:
Sep 12 09:19:36 prometeu packetfence_httpd.portal: httpd.portal(50475)
ERROR: [mac:[USER_MAC]] [IfesAD] Unable to execute search
(sAMAccountName=[USER_CREDENTIALS]) from DC=cefetes,DC=br on (pf::Authentication::Source::LDAPSource::authenticate)

Crunching through our AD Server, we noticed that we had "Active Directory
Domain Services" (sorry if direct translation isn't right) activated, but
not "Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services". Is it possible that
not having this last one installed could be causing our issue? We are a
little bit reluctant on adding this role to our server since it's pretty
crucial to our environment and messing it up wouldn't be that nice (thus we
need special permission to do that).

Hope someone can help me!

Best Regards,

Murilo Calegari de Souza
Estagiário da TI
Coordenadoria de Tecnologia da Informação
Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo – Campus Nova Venécia
27 3752 4311 ramal 43112

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