Yes it's possible.

Le 19-01-03 à 12 h 57, Kalcho via PacketFence-users a écrit :
What I want to accomplish with this is basically to provode packetfence Captive 
Portal registration on routed Network. So this is use case:
User connects to the Open WiFi SSID with MAC authentication and 802.1x, and 
Packetfence assigns to it Pre-Auth access list where he cannot access internet 
until registered. After he has been registered packetfence assigns 
Authorize_any access list, where he is granted internet access. Is this 
possible on the routed Network which uses production DHCP and DNS?

  ---- On Thu, 03 Jan 2019 16:09:29 +0100 Kalcho <> wrote ----
  > Hello all,
  > I have configured Web Authentication for Cisco WLC as described in Network 
Devices Guide.
  > I am using network for this WiFi SSID, which is open with 
Mac filtering.
  > I am using two access list Pre-Auth-For-WebRedirect-PF and Authorize_any.
  > I have added WLC in the packetfence, and activated "Role by Switch Role": 
registration->Pre-Auth-For-WebRedirect-PF, and default->Authorize_any.
  > These two access lists are defined on the WLC.
  > Authorize_any permits everything, while Pre-Auth-For-WebRedirect-PF
  > 1. permits DNS traffic
  > 2. permits DHCP traffic
  > 3. permit packets to Packetfence management interface as destination and 
  > I have also added portal role on management interface.
  > Management interface is on
  > VLAN which is assigned to WiFi SSID interface uses network 
which is routable and uses production DHCP hosted on L3 switch. Also it uses 
production DNS servers.
  > Clients when connected receive correct DHCP address.
  > I am having problem that not being redirected to the captive portal 
automatically. I can open it in browser, but no redirection. I guess this has 
something to do with the fact I am not using packetfence DHCP and DNS.

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