Hello Felipe,

Le 19-03-25 à 09 h 38, Felipe Rodrigues via PacketFence-users a écrit :

Hi guys!

Can anyone help me to configure EAP Authentication (802.1x) with OpenLDAP server? I looked the PacketFence manual, chapter 16, about Advanced Radius Configuration and found the information about “EAP Authentication against OpenLDAP.

The installation guide said to configure the OpenLDAP connection in */usr/local/pf/raddb/modules/ldap* and change the file *packetfence-tunnel* but when I can’t find the file in these locations.

It's in /usr/local/pf/conf/radiusd/packetfence-tunnel.

*My scenario:* Today, I’m working with an OpenLDAP server to do the authentication on network. I have been using a web portal to connect to LDAP base and validated the user credentials. I want to increase security with 802.1x but I don’t have option to change my LDAP server to another database like Microsoft AD today.

I understand that’s possible to connect Packetfence with my OpenLDAP (using the FreeRadius module) and then, configure 802.1x authentication. I’m right about that?


If anyone have a tutorial or any valid information about that configuration, let me know.

First you need to configure your ldap connection in mods-available/ldap and restart radiusd.

If it fail to restart then fix your configuration (ldap of course).

When it's done then edit packetfence-tunnel and add you ldap server.




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Fabrice Durand
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