Hi all,
     I defined a scenario where the switch port  is configured so to manage
the following scenario:

 1) 802.1x authentication
 if fails:
    2) mac auth authentication
    if fails:
    3) Captive portal authentication

The switch correctly applies configurations when the device doesn't
successfully authenticates with 802.1x nor mac address correctly assigning
the registration VLAN on the switch port.
Then the device successfully acquires a valid (in the registration subnet)
IP address.
When the bowser is redirected to the captive portal it responds with *HTTP
502 error Bad Gateway *

*httpd.portal.error* log file states:

*Deep recursion on subroutine
"captiveportal::PacketFence::DynamicRouting::Module::execute" at
line 343.Deep recursion on subroutine
"captiveportal::PacketFence::DynamicRouting::Module::done" at
line 38.Deep recursion on subroutine
"captiveportal::PacketFence::DynamicRouting::Module::Chained::next" at
/usr/local/pf/lib/captiveportal/PacketFence/DynamicRouting/Module.pm line
328.Deep recursion on subroutine
"captiveportal::PacketFence::DynamicRouting::Module::Root::done" at
line 54.Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine at
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/Class/MOP/Method/Wrapped.pm line 91.Deep
recursion on subroutine "Class::MOP::Class:::around" at
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/Class/MOP/Method/Wrapped.pm line 162.Deep
recursion on subroutine
line 53.Deep recursion on subroutine
at /usr/local/pf/lib/captiveportal/PacketFence/DynamicRouting/Module.pm
line 254.Out of memory!*

It seems like an infinite http redirection.
I also tried to disable *Preregistration* on the* guest connection profile*

The problem still occurs.
Thanks in advance,

*PS: *
I applied configurations defined in documentation:

Emanuele Gabrielli

Dipartimento di Informatica - Università di Roma "Sapienza"
Via Salaria, 113
00198 - Roma

tel.  +390649918313
personal page: https://sites.google.com/a/di.uniroma1.it/emanuele_gabrielli/
SkypeID: egabriell
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