Hi Fabrice,

After we enable radius-act any other configuration needed?

> On Feb 2, 2022, at 6:07 PM, Fabrice Durand <oeufd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Jorge,
> the only way is to use radius-acct instead of pfacct.
> pfacct doesn´t implement that right now.
> So disable pfacct and enable radius-acct.
> Regards
> Fabrice
> Le mer. 2 févr. 2022 à 19:55, Jorge Nolla via PacketFence-users 
> <packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net 
> <mailto:packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net>> a écrit :
> Apologies for the SPAM :) but I figured it out.
> "Starting from v10, pfacct daemon is used to track bandwidth usage of nodes 
> using RADIUS Accounting or NetFlow v5 traffic. It is enabled by default and 
> replaced packetfence-radiusd- acct service. pfacct will store data into 
> bandwidth_accounting table.”
> So the question is, is there a way to forward radius accounting to external 
> source?
> Thank you!
>> On Feb 2, 2022, at 5:39 PM, Jorge Nolla <jno...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:jno...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Here is the process already listening on the port.
>> udp        0      0 <>        
>>*                           2392/pfacct          off (0.00/0/0)
>> Any thoughts?
>>> On Feb 2, 2022, at 5:21 PM, Jorge Nolla <jno...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:jno...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Seems like is ready these parameters first home_server localhost. But not 
>>> sure where they are coming from...
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:  home_server localhost {
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       ipaddr =
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       port = 1812
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       type = "auth"
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       secret = "testing123"
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       response_window = 20.000000
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       response_timeouts = 1
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       max_outstanding = 65536
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       zombie_period = 40
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       status_check = "status-server"
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       ping_interval = 30
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       check_interval = 30
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       check_timeout = 4
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       num_answers_to_alive = 3
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       revive_interval = 120
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:   limit {
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       max_connections = 16
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       max_requests = 0
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       lifetime = 0
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       idle_timeout = 0
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:   }
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:   coa {
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       irt = 2
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       mrt = 16
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       mrc = 5
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       mrd = 30
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:   }
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:  }
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Warning: Ignoring "response_window = 20.000000", 
>>> forcing to "response_window = 10.000000"
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:  home_server pfacct_local {
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       ipaddr =
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       port = 1813
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       type = "acct"
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       secret = 
>>> "ZDQ3YzUzMjkxM2M1NjBhM2IyMTJjNWE0"
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       src_ipaddr = ""
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       response_window = 30.000000
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       response_timeouts = 1
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       max_outstanding = 65536
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       zombie_period = 40
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       status_check = "none"
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       ping_interval = 30
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       check_timeout = 4
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       num_answers_to_alive = 3
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       revive_interval = 300
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:   limit {
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       max_connections = 16
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       max_requests = 0
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       lifetime = 0
>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:18 2022 : Debug:       idle_timeout = 0
>>>> On Feb 2, 2022, at 5:15 PM, Jorge Nolla <jno...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:jno...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Here is the output when I try to start with -XXX. Not sure how the process 
>>>> is running.
>>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:19 2022 : Error: Failed binding to acct address 
>>>> port 1813 bound to server packetfence: Address already in use 
>>>> Wed Feb  2 17:13:19 2022 : Error: /usr/local/pf/raddb/acct.conf[8]: Error 
>>>> binding to port for port 1813
>>>>> On Feb 2, 2022, at 5:11 PM, Jorge Nolla <jno...@gmail.com 
>>>>> <mailto:jno...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>> For some reason we are not able to get the radius acct service up and 
>>>>> running. Here is the output, not sure if we missed anything.
>>>>> [jnolla@wifi ~]$ systemctl status packetfence-radiusd-acct.service
>>>>> ● packetfence-radiusd-acct.service - PacketFence FreeRADIUS 
>>>>> multi-protocol accounting server
>>>>>  Loaded: loaded 
>>>>> (/usr/lib/systemd/system/packetfence-radiusd-acct.service; enabled; 
>>>>> vendor preset: disabled)
>>>>>  Active: activating (start-pre) since Wed 2022-02-02 17:08:28 MST; 3s ago
>>>>>    Docs: man:radiusd(8)
>>>>>          man:radiusd.conf(5)
>>>>>          http://wiki.freeradius.org/ <http://wiki.freeradius.org/>
>>>>>          http://networkradius.com/doc/ <http://networkradius.com/doc/>
>>>>> Process: 1522690 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/radiusd -d /usr/local/pf/raddb -n 
>>>>> acct -fm (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
>>>>> Process: 1522685 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/radiusd -d /usr/local/pf/raddb -n 
>>>>> acct -Cxm -lstdout (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
>>>>> Process: 1522671 ExecStartPre=/usr/local/pf/bin/pfcmd service radiusd 
>>>>> generateconfig (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
>>>>> Main PID: 1522690 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE); Control PID: 1522695 
>>>>> (perl)
>>>>>   Tasks: 1 (limit: 101090)
>>>>>  Memory: 163.0M
>>>>>  CGroup: /packetfence.slice/packetfence-radiusd-acct.service
>>>>>          └─1522695 /bin/perl -I/usr/local/pf/lib 
>>>>> -I/usr/local/pf/lib_perl/lib/perl5 -Mpf::services::manager::radiusd -e 
>>>>> pf::services::manager::radiusd->new()->generateConfig()
>>>>> Feb 02 17:08:28 wifi systemd[1]: Starting PacketFence FreeRADIUS 
>>>>> multi-protocol accounting server...
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