Hello Everyone, 

I started this topic in my previous thred, but since its now a different issue 
and more specific I decided to split it off. (the issue with SECP Certs got 
fixed fo thanks everyone)

Following problem. I got packetfence installed in my main Datacenter, now I 
would like to have a central NAC for all my wifi, I use Unifi Access point and 
the problem is that it seems not to work over VPN connections

From all I could find its related to Fragmentation and MTU. Its suggested to 
set the atribute of FramedMTU to something like 1300 or lower. To tell the 
client as the MTU needs to be lower.
People seem to say that you set this on the radius server, and it tells the 
client to use a lower frameMTU. Not a expert on radius so I don’t know.

Anyone managed to get unifi APs to work with radius from offsite ?

I would not want to deal with having to have a NAC per site. A radius proxy 
fowarding the requests might be a option but I prefer to use that as a last 

Thanks for any responses


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