Hello Jose,

Is it on the wired or the wireless ?

Either way you will need to do computer authentication + user authentication. 
When no one is logged in, the computer will engage computer authentication.


Ludovic Zammit
Product Support Engineer Principal

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> On Apr 21, 2022, at 5:44 AM, José Ramos via PacketFence-users 
> <packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Hello everyone !
> I was wondering how to do user 802.1x authentication from Windows Login 
> screen with an AD account on which nobody has logged in yet.
> It works with an account that has already logged in on the pc but of course 
> can't work with new user since the computer can't reach the AD to check if 
> the account exists.
> Help please :)
> Regards.
> José Ramos.
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