Hi everyone,

sorry I'm still learning as I go along !

I've managed to install packetfence and have joined AD domain
(Policies and Access Control --> Active Directory Domain)

from  (Policies and Access Control --> Authentication Sources)
I created new internal  source , where  I can connect via LDAPS.

BaseDN is valid and should catch all user accounts in the domain.
BindDN is working, test confirms it.

now I believe I need to add
Authentication Rules for general user auth (wanted for Corp Wifi)
   condition --> memberOf equals (same BaseDN OU as above?)
Administrative Rules for device access (i.e. member of Group ABC are device
  condition --> memberOf equals (specific OU for admin group)

once this done,  I went to server CLI and ran
usr/local/pf/bin/pftest authentication <valid userid> <AD passwd>

the output shows that
Authentication succeeds for context "admin" and "portal"
but doesn't match for authentication nor administration rules.

did I miss something?

tried to follow this:

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