Hello guys i am new to nac environment and i am trying a simple thing;

I have a ssid named testwifi on fortigate. it's vlan id is 51 and the
fortigate is the dhcp of it.

In fortigate side i created radius for testwifi and connection is okay i
can see radius server connected from fortiside.

On packetfence side i created management interface and added another vlan
with id of 51 and gave it a ip from range of vlan 51. And added active
directory accounts also and it works.Also i crated  authentication source,
connection profiles etc according to the documents.

I simply want users get ip from vlan51 when they connected to testwifi .

I managed to connect testwifi with my credentials and i can see the log in
auditing tab on packetfence. Here is the interesting thing.

When i connect i get ip address  but that ip address is not from
vlan51. Instead
of it is getting ip from my original personal-wifi ip addresses which is on
vlan 200. I even did not enter vlanid  200 into packetfence. Also
packetfence interface ip is not in vlan 200 it is vlan80. I am completely lost
how can i get ip from 200 even if it is not on packetfence.

A help would be amazing if more information is necessary i can send.

[image: image.png]

here is the config of interfaces.

Thank you all.
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