
Notes Paragraph 2 of Article 19 of this Law provides that the application of 
the provisions of Article 19 for infringement of copyright or related rights is 
subject to a specific law, which must respect freedom of speech and other 
guarantees provided for in Article 5 of the Federal Constitution.
Article 31 provides that until the entry into force of a specific law, as 
mentioned in the Paragraph 2 of Article 19, the liability of the internet 
application providers (IAPs) for damages arising from content generated by 
third parties, in case of copyright or related rights infringement, shall 
continue to be regulated by the copyright legislation in force and applicable 
on the date this Law came into force.

Article 32 states that this Law shall enter into force after the expiry of 
sixty (60) days of its official publication. This Law was published in the 
Official Gazette on April 24, 2014, and came into force on June 24, 2014.

We do not encrypt the data in mariadb but we can force a cleanup after X period 
of time. PacketFence can clean nodes and users information.


Ludovic Zammit
Product Support Engineer Principal Lead

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> On Jan 29, 2024, at 7:08 PM, robson saldanha martins via PacketFence-users 
> <packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> My question may seem simple, but I would like to emphasize that I am an 
> inexperienced user. I would be very grateful if you could point me in the 
> right direction. I would like to know if there is any native option in 
> PacketFence to encrypt the captured data that will be sent to MariaDB. I need 
> to store this data for a year, as I am considering using PacketFence to 
> comply with Law 12,965, the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet. 
> Could someone help me resolve my doubt? 
>   Minha pergunta pode parecer simples, mas gostaria de ressaltar que sou um 
> usuário inexperiente. Ficaria muito grato se pudessem me indicar o caminho. 
> Gostaria de saber se há alguma opção nativa no PacketFence para criptografar 
> os dados capturados que serão enviados ao MariaDB. Preciso armazenar esses 
> dados por um ano, pois estou considerando o uso do PacketFence para estar em 
> conformidade com a Lei 12.965, o Marco Civil da Internet.
> Alguém poderia me ajudar a sanar a minha dúvida?  
> Att.: Robsonm
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> PacketFence-users mailing list
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