Please do that:

grep MAC-ADDRESS /usr/local/pf/logs/packetfence.log

Show the output please.


Ludovic Zammit
Product Support Engineer Principal Lead

Cell: +1.613.670.8432
Akamai Technologies - Inverse
145 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02142
Connect with Us:         <>  
<>  <>  

> On Feb 15, 2024, at 9:49 AM, Andrey Chernyakov <> 
> wrote:
> Hello Ludovic,
> Thanks for your reply.
> It’s clear, there are no connections to domain controllers, RADIUS is signed 
> with valid certificate from Microsoft PKI and EAPTLS authentication works 
> well.
> But Authentication source defined to use EAPTLS is just ignored by 
> authentication process, machines aren’t getting the role defined in 
> authentication rule (even with no conditions, catch-all rule), they always 
> get registration role.
> --
> Andrey Chernyakov
> Senior Network and Security Engineer
> email: <>
> NPS Consult S.A.
> L-5687, Dalheim
> Luxembourg
> On 15 Feb 2024 at 15:11 +0100, Zammit, Ludovic <>, wrote:
>> Hello Andrey,
>> For EAP TLS you don’t need to join the PF servers to your domain.
>> You will need to add the Root CA that signed the user/computer certs under 
>> Configuration > System Configuration > SSL Certificates > RADIUS > RADIUS 
>> Certification Authority Certificate(s).
>> Thanks,
>> Ludovic Zammit
>> Product Support Engineer Principal Lead
>> Cell: +1.613.670.8432
>> Akamai Technologies - Inverse
>> 145 Broadway
>> Cambridge, MA 02142
>> Connect with Us:      <>  
>> <>  
>> <;!!GjvTz_vk!V4Q1ky41dYg78z1GC_G4IPZSgG7f107g8VT6janIuP-KRH6_Qga6cyXxfAeVsN-a6anSRRTMKB0AlBUHg9LTKQ$>
>> <;!!GjvTz_vk!V4Q1ky41dYg78z1GC_G4IPZSgG7f107g8VT6janIuP-KRH6_Qga6cyXxfAeVsN-a6anSRRTMKB0AlBXfVKXWbA$>
>> <;!!GjvTz_vk!V4Q1ky41dYg78z1GC_G4IPZSgG7f107g8VT6janIuP-KRH6_Qga6cyXxfAeVsN-a6anSRRTMKB0AlBVXKDnHPg$>
>> <;!!GjvTz_vk!V4Q1ky41dYg78z1GC_G4IPZSgG7f107g8VT6janIuP-KRH6_Qga6cyXxfAeVsN-a6anSRRTMKB0AlBXi_MZTOw$>
>>> On Feb 14, 2024, at 8:22 AM, Andrey Chernyakov via PacketFence-users 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi, PacketFence community,
>>> Currently I’m evaluating EAPTLS authentication with machine certificates in 
>>> my lab for wired network, but Authentication Source with EAPTLS doesn’t 
>>> seem to be working.
>>> From my perspective, the configuration is good, EAP profile prefers TLS 
>>> authentication, RADIUS has valid certificate signed by the same CA as 
>>> machine certificates with I use for EAPTLS authentication. Connection 
>>> profile allows auto-registration of devices. Authentication source should 
>>> catch-all authentication attempts and assign devices to role (gaming, for 
>>> example).
>>> The problem with such configuration is - devices are authenticated and 
>>> auto-registered, but they aren’t matched with authentication source rules 
>>> (last screenshot with log can prove it), and they are respectively 
>>> registered with no role. But I need role in order to be able to assign 
>>> devices with relevant profile. Below you can find screenshots from my lab, 
>>> any ideas how to fix it?
>>> Appreciate your help in advance!
>>> <Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 16.04.15.png>
>>> <Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 16.04.48.png>
>>> <Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 16.05.35.png>
>>> <Attachment.png>
>>> --
>>> Andrey Chernyakov
>>> Senior Network and Security Engineer
>>> email: <>
>>> NPS Consult S.A.
>>> L-5687, Dalheim
>>> Luxembourg
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> PacketFence-users mailing list

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