Am 13.03.2024 um 21:44 schrieb Zammit, Ludovic:
Can you tell me one use case that you want to achieve with EAP TLS authentication ?

Hello Ludovic,

The use case (i.e. requirement) is to register/accept hosts based on their account/group-membership in the AD irrespective of the current user.

All our hosts are have machine certificates issued by our local CA tied to their hostname which are to be used to authenticate/authorise the access to the corresponding subnet. The subnet is derived from the AD group-membership of the host, so the VLAN information (together with reauthentication interval) is then sent to the switch in the radius reply. Wireless connections should work in the same way, with additional CoA. Of course, if the host is yet unknown to packetfence, as long as it has a valid AD account, it should perform auto-registration. The whole process relies on the AD account of the host and we would very much prefer, not to use the captive portal.

The subsequent user login is entirely handled by AD and not part of the Dot1X authentication. The Exception beeing the use of VPN, where the user authentication is done within packetfence, which works as expected (Group membership is also checked for the authorization).

kind regards,


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